Man pages for MazamaSpatialUtils
Spatial Data Download and Utility Functions

codeToCountryConvert country codes to country names
codeToStateConvert state codes to state nnames
CONUSCONUS state codes
convertEEZCountriesConvert Exclusive Economic Zones countries shapefile
convertEPARegionsConvert EPA Region shapefiles
convertGACCConvert Geographic Area Coordination Center shapefile
convertLayerConvert shapefile layer to simple features dataframe
convertNaturalEarthAdm1Convert Level 1 (state) borders shapefile
convertOSMTimezonesConvert OSM timezone shapefile
convertTMWorldBordersConvert world borders shapefile
convertUSCensusCBSAConvert US Core Based Statistical Areas shapefile
convertUSCensusCongressConvert US congressional districts shapefile
convertUSCensusCountiesConvert US county borders shapefile
convertUSCensusStatesConvert US Census state shapefile
convertWBDHUCConvert USGS hydrologic unit geodatabase
convertWeatherZonesConvert NWS Public Forecast Zones Shapefile.
convertWikipediaTimezoneTableConvert Wikipedia timezone table to dataframe
countryToCodeConvert country names to country codes
dissolveAggregate shapes in a simple features data frame
dot-removeSpatialDataDirRemove package data directory
getCountryReturn country names at specified locations
getCountryCodeReturn country ISO codes at specified locations
getCountryNameReturn country names at specified locations
getHUCReturn HUCs at specified locations
getHUCNameReturn HUC names at specified locations
getPolygonIDGet polygonID from SFDF of interest
getSpatialDataReturn spatial data associated with a set of locations
getSpatialDataDirGet package data directory
getStateReturn state names at specified locations
getStateCodeReturn state ISO codes at specified locations
getStateNameReturn state names at specified locations
getTimezoneReturn Olson timezones at specified locations
getUSCountyReturn US county name at specified locations
getVariableReturn SFDF variable at specified locations
installedSpatialDataList locally installed spatial datasets
installSpatialDataInstall spatial datasets
iso2ToIso3Convert from ISO2 to ISO3 country codes
iso3ToIso2Convert from ISO3 to ISO2 country codes
loadSpatialDataLoad spatial datasets
MazamaSpatialUtilsMazama Science spatial data and utility functions.
pipePipe operator
setSpatialDataDirSet package data directory
SimpleCountriesSimplified spatial dataset of country boundaries.
SimpleCountriesEEZSimplified spatial dataset of EEZ/country combined...
SimpleTimezonesSimplified spatial dataset of world timezones.
simplifySimplify simple features data frame
simplifyAndSaveSave simplified versions of a spatial features dataframe
SpatialDataDirDirectory for spatial data
stateToCodeConvert state names to state codes
summarizeByPolygonSummarize values by polygon
US_52US state codes
US_countyCodesDataframe of US county codes
US_countyConversionConversion functions for US county names and FIPS codes.
US_stateCodesDataframe of US state codes
US_stateConversionConversion functions for US state names, codes and FIPS...
MazamaSpatialUtils documentation built on Sept. 8, 2023, 5:22 p.m.