Man pages for MetFns
Analysis of Visual Meteor Data

date_sollongCalculation of solar longitude
date_sol.tableCalculation of table of solar longitudes
EarthVSOP87BComputation of Heliocentric Spherical Longitude and Latitude...
filterGlobal filter
filter.countrySelection of visual meteor data by country
filter.dateSelection of visual meteor data by date(s)
filter.gcSelection of visual meteor data by geographical coordinates
filter.hSelection of visual meteor data by radiant elevation
filter.magSelection of visual meteor data by limiting magnitude
filter.obsnameSelection of visual meteor data by observer's first and last...
filter.PSelection of visual meteor data by percentage of...
filter.shwSelection of visual meteor data by shower code
filter.siteSelection of visual meteor data by observing site
filter.solSelection of visual meteor data by solar longitude
filter.totcorSelection of visual meteor data by total correction factor
mag.distrSummarized magnitude distribution
magn2015Magnitude data for the year 2015
MetFns-packageAnalysis of Visual Meteor Data
midintCalculation of the middle of time interval
opt.binDivides data in blocks of optimal bin sizes
popindConversion for the population index
popind.errError margins for population index
pop.indexCalculation of population index
pop.index2Calculation of population index based on average distance...
pop.index.plotPlot of population index
radiantCoordinates of radiants of meteor showers
rate2015Rate data for the year 2015
shw_listList of meteor showers
solar.longVectorized calculation of solar longitude
sollong_dateCalculation of date corresponding to given value of solar...
sollong_date.tableVectorized calculation of date corresponding to given value...
zhrCalculates zenithal hourly rate (ZHR)
zhr.plotPlot of zenithal hourly rate (ZHR)
MetFns documentation built on May 1, 2019, 6:28 p.m.