ms_outlook_attachment: Outlook mail attachment

ms_outlook_attachmentR Documentation

Outlook mail attachment


Class representing an attachment in Outlook.


An R6 object of class ms_outlook_attachment, inheriting from ms_outlook_object, which in turn inherits from ms_object.


  • token: The token used to authenticate with the Graph host.

  • tenant: The Azure Active Directory tenant for the email account.

  • type: always "attachment" for an attachment.

  • properties: The attachment properties (metadata).


  • new(...): Initialize a new object. Do not call this directly; see 'Initialization' below.

  • delete(confirm=TRUE): Delete this attachment. By default, ask for confirmation first.

  • update(...): Update the attachment's properties (metadata) in Microsoft Graph.

  • do_operation(...): Carry out an arbitrary operation on the attachment.

  • sync_fields(): Synchronise the R object with the attachment metadata in Microsoft Graph. This method does not transfer the attachment content for a file attachment.

  • download(dest, overwrite): For a file attachment, downloads the content to a file. The default destination filename is the name of the attachment.


Creating new objects of this class should be done via the the get_attachment(), list_attachments() or create_attachment() methods ms_outlook_email class. Calling the new() method for this class only constructs the R object; it does not call the Microsoft Graph API to retrieve or create the actual attachment.

In general, you should not need to interact directly with this class, as the ms_outlook_email class exposes convenience methods for working with attachments. The only exception is to download an attachment in a reliable way (not involving the attachment name); see the example below.

See Also

ms_outlook, ms_outlook_email

Microsoft Graph overview, Outlook API reference


## Not run: 

outl <- get_personal_outlook()

em <- outl$get_inbox$get_email("email_id")

# download the first attachment in an email
atts <- em$list_attachments()

## End(Not run)

Microsoft365R documentation built on May 31, 2023, 6:10 p.m.