MitISEM-package: Mixture of Student t Distributions using Importance Sampling...

Description Details Author(s) References


Approximates a univariate or multivariate density using mixture of Student t distributions, achieved by Importance Sampling and Expectation Maximization algorithms


Package: MitISEM
Type: Package
Version: 1.2
Date: 2017-07-10
License: GPL (>= 3)

Flexible multivariate function approximation using adapted Mixture of Student t Distributions. Mixture of t distribution is obtained using Importance Sampling weighted Expectation Maximization algorithm.


N. Basturk, L.F. Hoogerheide, A. Opschoor, H.K. van Dijk

Maintainer: N. Basturk


Basturk, N., Grassi, S., Hoogerheide, L., Opschoor, A. and Van Dijk, H. K. (2017) The R Package MitISEM: Efficient and Robust Simulation Procedures for Bayesian Inference. Journal of Statistical Software, 79(1): 1-39. doi: 10.18637/jss.v079.i01.

Hoogerheide L., Opschoor, A. and Van Dijk, H. K. (2012) A Class of Adaptive Importance Sampling Weighted EM Algorithms for Efficient and Robust Posterior and Predictive Simulation. Journal of Econometrics, 171(2): 101-120.

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