
#' Mittag-Leffler family of distributions
#' A generalization of the exponential distribution. Contains 
#' \itemize{
#' \item 
#' the Mittag-Leffler function \code{\link{mlf}}
#' \item 
#' distributions (\code{\link{dml}}, \code{\link{pml}}, \code{\link{qml}}) 
#' and random variate generation (\code{\link{rml}})
#' \item
#' a log-moment estimator (\code{\link{logMomentEstimator}}), 
#' and maximum likelihood estimator (\code{\link{mlmle}})
#' }
#' \itemize{
#'   \item 
#'   \href{https://strakaps.github.io/MittagLeffleR/articles/MLdist.html}{Plots of the Mittag-Leffler distributions}
#'   \item 
#'   \href{https://strakaps.github.io/MittagLeffleR/articles/parametrisation.html}{Details of Mittag-Leffler random variate generation}
#'   \item 
#'   \href{https://strakaps.github.io/MittagLeffleR/articles/probsNquantiles.html}{Probabilities and Quantiles}
#' }
#' Also see the package web page at 
#' \url{https://strakaps.github.io/MittagLeffleR/reference/index.html}


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MittagLeffleR documentation built on Sept. 6, 2021, 9:11 a.m.