Man pages for MixGHD
Model Based Clustering, Classification and Discriminant Analysis Using the Mixture of Generalized Hyperbolic Distributions

ARIAdjusted Rand Index.
banknoteSwiss Banknote data
bankruptcyBankruptcy data
cMSGHDConvex mixture of multiple scaled generalized hyperbolic...
coefCoefficients for objects of class MixGHD
contourplContour plot
DADiscriminant analysis using the mixture of generalized...
dCGHDDensity of a coalesced generalized hyperbolic distribution...
dGHDDensity of a generalized hyperbolic distribution (GHD).
dMSGHDDensity of a mulitple-scaled generalized hyperbolic...
MCGHDMixture of coalesced generalized hyperbolic distributions...
MGHDMixture of generalized hyperbolic distributions (MGHD).
MGHFAMixture of generalized hyperbolic factor analyzers (MGHFA).
MixGHDClass "MixGHD"
MixGHD-classClass MixGHD.
MSGHDMixture of multiple scaled generalized hyperbolic...
plot.MixGHDPlot objects of class MixGHD.
predictMembership prediction for objects of class MixGHD
rCGHDPseudo random number generation from a coalesced generalized...
rGHDPseudo random number generation from a generalized hyperbolic...
rMSGHDPseudo random number generation from a mulitple-scaled...
sonarSonar data
summary.MixGHDPlot objects of class MixGHD.
MixGHD documentation built on May 11, 2022, 5:12 p.m.