Man pages for Modalclust
Hierarchical Modal Clustering

choose.clusterChoosing the cluster which is closest to a specified point
contourHMACPlot clusters with different colors for two dimensional data...
cta20Two dimensional data in original and log scale
disc2dTwo and three dimensional data representing two half discs
findmidFind the mid point of memberships of each cluster
hard.HMACPlot clusters with different colors.
HMACPerform Modal Clustering in serial mode only
khat.invCalculate the smoothing paramters for implementation of Modal...
mydmvnormCalculate Density of Multivariate Normal for diagonal...
onedOne dimensional data with two main clusters
pHMACMain function for performing Modal Clusters either parallel...
plot.hmacPlots of heierarchical tree for a 'hmac' object
soft.HMACPlot soft clusters from Modal Clustering output
summary.hmacSummary of HMAC output
Modalclust documentation built on May 1, 2019, 7:31 p.m.