Defines functions invmillsT pent2 pent dent

#location-scale student-T distribution pdf
dent<-function(x,mu,sigma2,nu,log = FALSE){
    return(log(1/sqrt(sigma2)) + dt(x = z,df = nu,log = TRUE))
  return(1/sqrt(sigma2)*dt(x = z,df = nu))


#location-scale student-T distribution pcf
pent<-function(x,mu,sigma2,nu,log = FALSE){
  return(pt((x-mu)/sqrt(sigma2),nu,log.p = log))


pent2 = function(lower = -Inf,upper = Inf,mu = 0,sigma2 = 1,nu,...){
  if(all(lower == -Inf)){
    return(pt((upper-mu)/sqrt(sigma2),df = nu,...))
    if(all(upper == Inf)){
      return(pt((lower-mu)/sqrt(sigma2),df = nu,lower.tail = FALSE,...))
      return(pt((upper-mu)/sqrt(sigma2),nu) - pt((lower-mu)/sqrt(sigma2),nu))


invmillsT = function(x,mu=0,sigma2=1,nu){
  return(exp(dent(x,mu,sigma2,nu,log = TRUE) - pent2(upper = x,mu = mu,sigma2 = sigma2,nu = nu,log.p = TRUE)))

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MomTrunc documentation built on June 16, 2022, 1:06 a.m.