Man pages for NAP
Non-Local Alternative Priors in Psychology

fixedHajnal.onet_esFixed-design one-sample t-tests using Hajnal's ratio for...
fixedHajnal.onet_nFixed-design one-sample t-tests using Hajnal's ratio and a...
fixedHajnal.onez_esFixed-design one-sample z-tests using Hajnal's ratio for...
fixedHajnal.onez_nFixed-design one-sample z-tests using Hajnal's ratio and a...
fixedHajnal.twot_esFixed-design two-sample t-tests with NAP for varied sample...
fixedHajnal.twot_nFixed-design two-sample t-tests using Hajnal's ratio and a...
fixedHajnal.twoz_esFixed-design two-sample z-tests with NAP for varied sample...
fixedHajnal.twoz_nFixed-design two-sample z-tests using Hajnal's ratio and a...
fixedNAP.onet_esFixed-design one-sample t-tests with NAP for varied sample...
fixedNAP.onet_nFixed-design one-sample t-tests with NAP and a pre-fixed...
fixedNAP.onez_esFixed-design one-sample z-tests with NAP for varied sample...
fixedNAP.onez_nFixed-design one-sample z-tests with NAP and a pre-fixed...
fixedNAP.twot_esFixed-design two-sample t-tests with NAP for varied sample...
fixedNAP.twot_nFixed-design two-sample t-tests with NAP and a pre-fixed...
fixedNAP.twoz_esFixed-design two-sample z-tests with NAP for varied sample...
fixedNAP.twoz_nFixed-design two-sample z-tests with NAP and a pre-fixed...
HajnalBF_onetHajnal's ratio in one-sample t tests
HajnalBF_onezHajnal's ratio in one-sample z tests
HajnalBF_twotHajnal's ratio in two-sample t tests
HajnalBF_twozHajnal's ratio in two-sample z tests
implement.SBFHajnal_onetImplement Sequential Bayes Factor using the Hajnal's ratio...
implement.SBFHajnal_onezImplement Sequential Bayes Factor using the Hajnal's ratio...
implement.SBFHajnal_twotImplement Sequential Bayes Factor using the NAP for...
implement.SBFHajnal_twozImplement Sequential Bayes Factor using the NAP for...
implement.SBFNAP_onetImplement Sequential Bayes Factor using the NAP for...
implement.SBFNAP_onezImplement Sequential Bayes Factor using the NAP for...
implement.SBFNAP_twotImplement Sequential Bayes Factor using the NAP for...
implement.SBFNAP_twozImplement Sequential Bayes Factor using the NAP for...
mycombine.fixedHelper function
mycombine.seq.onesampleHelper function
mycombine.seq.twosampleHelper function
NAPBF_onetBayes factor in favor of the NAP in one-sample t tests
NAPBF_onezBayes factor in favor of the NAP in one-sample z tests
NAPBF_twotBayes factor in favor of the NAP in two-sample t tests
NAPBF_twozBayes factor in favor of the NAP in two-sample z tests
NAP-packageNon-Local Alternative Priors in Psychology
SBFHajnal_onetSequential Bayes Factor using the Hajnal's ratio for...
SBFHajnal_onezSequential Bayes Factor using the Hajnal's ratio for...
SBFHajnal_twotSequential Bayes Factor using the Hajnal's ratio for...
SBFHajnal_twozSequential Bayes Factor using the Hajnal's ratio for...
SBFNAP_onetSequential Bayes Factor using the NAP for one-sample t-tests
SBFNAP_onezSequential Bayes Factor using the NAP for one-sample z-tests
SBFNAP_twotSequential Bayes Factor using the NAP for two-sample t-tests
SBFNAP_twozSequential Bayes Factor using the NAP for two-sample z-tests
NAP documentation built on Jan. 6, 2022, 5:07 p.m.