NEff-package: Calculating Effective Sizes Based on Known Demographic...

Description Details Author(s) References


Effective population sizes (often abbreviated as "Neff") are essential in biodiversity monitoring and conservation. For the first time, calculating effective sizes with data obtained within less than a generation but considering demographic parameters is possible. This individual based model uses demographic parameters of a population to calculate annual effective sizes and effective population sizes (per generation). A defined number of alleles and loci will be used to simulate the genotypes of the individuals. Stepwise mutation rates can be included. Variations in life history parameters (sex ratio, sex-specific survival, recruitment rate, reproductive skew) are possible. These results will help managers to define existing populations as viable or not.


Package: NEff
Type: Package
Version: 1.1
Date: 2015-05-04
License: GPL version 2.0

The package is based on function population. This function creates an individual based population model simulating genetics via a specific number of loci holding a specific number of alleles. Demography is given as input values and can be adapted to every life history parameter combination.


Annegret Grimm, Bernd Gruber & Klaus Henle

Maintainer: Annegret Grimm <>


Grimm, A., B. Gruber, M. Hoehn, K. Enders, and K. Henle. submitted to Methods in Ecology and Evolution. A model-derived short-term estimation method of effective population size for species with overlapping generations.

NEff documentation built on May 2, 2019, 2:38 a.m.