Oemparams: Emission Parameters

Description Usage Arguments Value Examples

View source: R/Oemparams.R


Oemparams calculates emission parameters 0.025, 0.05, mean, 0.50 (median), 0.95, 0.975 quantiles from the iterations for each parameter. Each of the J sequences and K states each has 2 parameters (Gamma and Normal) or 1 parameter (Poisson) per mixture component (nmix+delta)


Oemparams(nhmmobj, plots = FALSE, outfile = NULL)



an object created from the NHMM or HMM function


TRUE/FALSE- default is FALSE because the plot window can grow quite large depending on the number of parameters. [J by K*nmix] panes if outboo=TRUE and [K*nmix by J] panes if outboo=FALSE, where outboo is a parameter from NHMM which determines if output was written to a file (TRUE) or to a variable (FALSE). If outfile is used then there will be K*J .png files containing dimension 2 parameters by nmix panes of trace plots. Exception: NHMM_MVN, plots is always FALSE.


a directory to put the .png plot


params [2 by nmix by K by J] by 6. There are six values returned: 0.025, 0.05, mean, 0.50 (median), 0.95, 0.975 quantiles from the iterations. (0.025, 0.975) are used to construct 95 likewise (0.05, 0.95) can be used to construct 90 but the one-parameter distributions like the Exponential will only have meaningful data in the first row. Exception for NHMM_MVN then the parameters returned is the mean covariance matrix over all iterations [J by J by K]

output: plot window can grow quite large depending on the number of parameters. [J by K*nmix] panes if outboo=TRUE and [K*nmix by J] panes if outboo=FALSE, where outboo is a parameter from NHMM which determines if output was written to a file (TRUE) or to a variable (FALSE). Exception: NHMM_MVN object does not plot the covariance.


#thetas=Oemparams(my.nhmm, FALSE); 
#thetas[,,,,3]  #mean values

NHMM documentation built on July 1, 2020, 7:28 p.m.

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