CompactFactorNames | compact the factor names to camelCase |
CompactPhysicalConstantNames | compact the physical constant names to camelCase |
FixFactorNames | Replaces unicode with ASCII in factor names |
kNIST2010latticeSpacingOfSilicon | NIST Physical Constants |
kNISTnonSIatomicUnitOf1stHyperpolarizability | NIST Physical Constants |
NISTabampereTOampere | Convert abampere to ampere |
NISTabcoulombTOcoulomb | Convert abcoulomb to coulomb |
NISTabfaradTOfarad | Convert abfarad to farad |
NISTabhenryTOhenry | Convert abhenry to henry |
NISTabmhoTOsiemens | Convert abmho to siemens |
NISTabohmTOohm | Convert abohm to ohm |
NISTabvoltTOvolt | Convert abvolt to volt |
NISTaccelOfFreeFallStdTOmeterPerSecSqrd | Convert acceleration of free fall, standard to meter per... |
NISTacreFtTOcubMeter | Convert acre foot 7 to cubic meter |
NISTacreTOsqrMeter | Convert acre 7 to square meter |
NISTampereHourTOcoulomb | Convert ampere hour to coulomb |
NISTamperePerMeterTOoersted | Convert ampere per meter to oersted |
NISTampereTOabampere | Convert ampere to abampere |
NISTampereTObiot | Convert ampere to biot |
NISTampereToEMUOfCurrent | Convert ampere to EMU of current |
NISTampereToESUOfCurrent | Convert ampere to ESU of current |
NISTampereTOgilbert | Convert ampere to gilbert |
NISTampereTOstatampere | Convert ampere to statampere |
NISTangstromTOmeter | Convert angstrom to meter |
NISTangstromTOnanometer | Convert angstrom to nanometer |
NISTareTOsqrMeter | Convert are to square meter |
NISTastronomicalUnTOmeter | Convert astronomical unit to meter |
NISTatmosphereStdTOkpascal | Convert atmosphere, standard to kilopascal |
NISTatmosphereStdTOpascal | Convert atmosphere, standard to pascal |
NISTatmosphereTechnicalTOkpascal | Convert atmosphere, technical 8 to kilopascal |
NISTatmosphereTechnicalTOpascal | Convert atmosphere, technical 8 to pascal |
NISTbarnTOsqrMeter | Convert barn to square meter |
NISTbarrelTOcubMeter | Convert barrel to cubic meter |
NISTbarrelTOliter | Convert barrel to liter |
NISTbarTOkpascal | Convert bar to kilopascal |
NISTbarTOpascal | Convert bar to pascal |
NISTbecquerelTOcurie | Convert becquerel to curie |
NISTbiotTOampere | Convert biot to ampere |
NISTbushelTOcubMeter | Convert bushel to cubic meter |
NISTbushelTOliter | Convert bushel to liter |
NISTcal15CtOjoule | Convert calorie to joule |
NISTcal20CtOjoule | Convert calorie to joule |
NISTcalITKgTOjoule | Convert calorieIT, kilogram 11 to joule |
NISTcalITPerGramDegCtOjoulePerKgK | Convert calorieIT per gram degree Celsius to joule per... |
NISTcalITPerGramKtOjoulePerKgK | Convert calorieIT per gram kelvin to joule per kilogram... |
NISTcalITPerGramTOjoulePerKg | Convert calorieIT per gram to joule per kilogram |
NISTcalITtOjoule | Convert calorieIT 10 to joule |
NISTcalKgTOjoule | Convert calorie , kilogram 11 to joule |
NISTcalthKgTOjoule | Convert calorieth , kilogram 11 to joule |
NISTcalthPerCmSecDegCtOwattPerMeterK | Convert calorieth per centimeter second degree Celsius to... |
NISTcalthPerGramDegCtOjoulePerKgK | Convert calorieth per gram degree Celsius to joule per... |
NISTcalthPerGramKtOjoulePerKgK | Convert calorieth per gram kelvin to joule per kilogram... |
NISTcalthPerGramTOjoulePerKg | Convert calorieth per gram to joule per kilogram |
NISTcalthPerMinTOwatt | Convert calorieth per minute to watt |
NISTcalthPerSecTOwatt | Convert calorieth per second to watt |
NISTcalthPerSqrCmMinTOwattPerSqrMeter | Convert calorieth per square centimeter minute to watt per... |
NISTcalthPerSqrCmSecTOwattPerSqrMeter | Convert calorieth per square centimeter second to watt per... |
NISTcalthPerSqrCmTOjoulePerSqrMeter | Convert calorieth per square centimeter to joule per square... |
NISTcalthTOjoule | Convert calorieth 10 to joule |
NISTcalTOjoule | Convert calorie to joule |
NISTcandelaPerSqrInchTOcandelaPerSqrMeter | Convert candela per square inch to candela per square meter |
NISTcandelaPerSqrMeterTOcandelaPerSqrInch | Convert candela per square meter to candela per square inch |
NISTcandelaPerSqrMeterTOftlambert | Convert candela per square meter to footlambert |
NISTcandelaPerSqrMeterTOlambert | Convert candela per square meter to lambert 17 |
NISTcandelaPerSqrMeterTOstilb | Convert candela per square meter to stilb |
NISTcaratSItOgram | Convert carat, metric to gram |
NISTcaratSItOkg | Convert carat, metric to kilogram |
NISTcentipoiseTOpascalSec | Convert centipoise to pascal second |
NISTcentistokesTOmeterSqrdPerSec | Convert centistokes to meter squared per second |
NISTchainTOmeter | Convert chain 7 to meter |
NISTcircularMilTOsqrMeter | Convert circular mil to square meter |
NISTcircularMilTOsqrMillimeter | Convert circular mil to square millimeter |
NISTcloTOsqrMeterKPerWatt | Convert clo to square meter kelvin per watt |
NISTcmOfMercuryConvtnlTOkpascal | Convert centimeter of mercury, conventional 12 to kilopascal |
NISTcmOfMercuryConvtnlTOpascal | Convert centimeter of mercury, conventional 12 to pascal |
NISTcmOfMercuryTOkpascal | Convert centimeter of mercury 12 to kilopascal |
NISTcmOfMercuryTOpascal | Convert centimeter of mercury 12 to pascal |
NISTcmOfWaterConvtnlTOpascal | Convert centimeter of water, conventional 12 to pascal |
NISTcmOfWaterTOpascal | Convert centimeter of water 12 to pascal |
NISTcmTOinch | Convert centimeter to inch |
NISTcordTOcubMeter | Convert cord to cubic meter |
NISTcoulombMeterTOdebye | Convert coulomb meter to debye |
NISTcoulombPerKgTOroentgen | Convert coulomb per kilogram to roentgen |
NISTcoulombTOabcoulomb | Convert coulomb to abcoulomb |
NISTcoulombTOampereHour | Convert coulomb to ampere hour |
NISTcoulombTOfaraday | Convert coulomb to faraday |
NISTcoulombTOfranklin | Convert coulomb to franklin |
NISTcoulombTOstatcoulomb | Convert coulomb to statcoulomb |
NISTcubFtPerMinTOcubMeterPerSec | Convert cubic foot per minute to cubic meter per second |
NISTcubFtPerMinTOliterPerSec | Convert cubic foot per minute to liter per second |
NISTcubFtPerSecTOcubMeterPerSec | Convert cubic foot per second to cubic meter per second |
NISTcubFtTOcubMeter | Convert cubic foot to cubic meter |
NISTcubInchPerMinTOcubMeterPerSec | Convert cubic inch per minute to cubic meter per second |
NISTcubInchTOcubMeter | Convert cubic inch 13 to cubic meter |
NISTcubMeterPerJouleTOgallonPerHorsepowerHour | Convert cubic meter per joule to gallon per horsepower hour |
NISTcubMeterPerSecTOcubFtPerMin | Convert cubic meter per second to cubic foot per minute |
NISTcubMeterPerSecTOcubFtPerSec | Convert cubic meter per second to cubic foot per second |
NISTcubMeterPerSecTOcubInchPerMin | Convert cubic meter per second to cubic inch per minute |
NISTcubMeterPerSecTOcubYardPerMin | Convert cubic meter per second to cubic yard per minute |
NISTcubMeterPerSecTOgallonPerDay | Convert cubic meter per second to gallon per day |
NISTcubMeterPerSecTOgallonPerMin | Convert cubic meter per second to gallon per minute |
NISTcubMeterTOacreFt | Convert cubic meter to acre foot 7 |
NISTcubMeterTObarrel | Convert cubic meter to barrel |
NISTcubMeterTObushel | Convert cubic meter to bushel |
NISTcubMeterTOcord | Convert cubic meter to cord |
NISTcubMeterTOcubFt | Convert cubic meter to cubic foot |
NISTcubMeterTOcubInch | Convert cubic meter to cubic inch 13 |
NISTcubMeterTOcubMile | Convert cubic meter to cubic mile |
NISTcubMeterTOcubYard | Convert cubic meter to cubic yard |
NISTcubMeterTOcup | Convert cubic meter to cup |
NISTcubMeterTOfluidOunce | Convert cubic meter to fluid ounce |
NISTcubMeterTOgallon | Convert cubic meter to gallon |
NISTcubMeterTOgallonImperial | Convert cubic meter to gallon |
NISTcubMeterTOgill | Convert cubic meter to gill |
NISTcubMeterTOgillImperial | Convert cubic meter to gill |
NISTcubMeterTOliter | Convert cubic meter to liter 19 |
NISTcubMeterTOounce | Convert cubic meter to ounce |
NISTcubMeterTOounceImperial | Convert cubic meter to ounce |
NISTcubMeterTOpeck | Convert cubic meter to peck |
NISTcubMeterTOpintUSdry | Convert cubic meter to pint |
NISTcubMeterTOpintUSliquid | Convert cubic meter to pint |
NISTcubMeterTOquartUSdry | Convert cubic meter to quart |
NISTcubMeterTOquartUSliquid | Convert cubic meter to quart |
NISTcubMeterTOstere | Convert cubic meter to stere |
NISTcubMeterTOtablespoon | Convert cubic meter to tablespoon |
NISTcubMeterTOteaspoon | Convert cubic meter to teaspoon |
NISTcubMeterTOtonRegister | Convert cubic meter to ton, register |
NISTcubMileTOcubMeter | Convert cubic mile to cubic meter |
NISTcubYardPerMinTOcubMeterPerSec | Convert cubic yard per minute to cubic meter per second |
NISTcubYardTOcubMeter | Convert cubic yard to cubic meter |
NISTcupTOcubMeter | Convert cup to cubic meter |
NISTcupTOliter | Convert cup to liter |
NISTcupTOml | Convert cup to milliliter |
NISTcurieTObecquerel | Convert curie to becquerel |
NISTdarcyTOmeterSqrd | Convert darcy 14 to meter squared |
NISTdaySiderealTOsec | Convert day to second |
NISTdayTOsec | Convert day to second |
NISTdebyeTOcoulombMeter | Convert debye to coulomb meter |
NISTdegCentigradeTOdegC | Convert degree centigrade 15 to degree Celsius |
NISTdegCentigradeTOdegCinterval | Convert degree centigrade temperature interval to degree... |
NISTdegCtOdegCentigrade | Convert degree Celsius to degree centigrade 15 |
NISTdegCtOdegCentigradeInterval | Convert degree Celsius temperature interval to degree... |
NISTdegCtOdegF | Convert degree Celsius to degree Fahrenheit |
NISTdegCtOdegFinterval | Convert degree Celsius temperature interval to degree... |
NISTdegCtOk | Convert degree Celsius to kelvin |
NISTdegCtOkInterval | Convert degree Celsius temperature interval to kelvin |
NISTdegFHourPerUkThUnITtOkPerWatt | Convert degree Fahrenheit hour per British thermal unitIT to... |
NISTdegFHourPerUkThUnthTOkPerWatt | Convert degree Fahrenheit hour per British thermal unitth to... |
NISTdegFHourSqrFtPerUkThUnITInchTOmeterKPerWatt | Convert degree Fahrenheit hour square foot per British... |
NISTdegFHourSqrFtPerUkThUnITtOsqrMeterKPerWatt | Convert degree Fahrenheit hour square foot per British... |
NISTdegFHourSqrFtPerUkThUnthInchTOmeterKPerWatt | Convert degree Fahrenheit hour square foot per British... |
NISTdegFHourSqrFtPerUkThUnthTOsqrMeterKPerWatt | Convert degree Fahrenheit hour square foot per British... |
NISTdegFSecPerUkThUnITtOkPerWatt | Convert degree Fahrenheit second per British thermal unitIT... |
NISTdegFSecPerUkThUnthTOkPerWatt | Convert degree Fahrenheit second per British thermal unitth... |
NISTdegFtOdegC | Convert degree Fahrenheit to degree Celsius |
NISTdegFtOdegCinterval | Convert degree Fahrenheit temperature interval to degree... |
NISTdegFtOk | Convert degree Fahrenheit to kelvin |
NISTdegFtOkInterval | Convert degree Fahrenheit temperature interval to kelvin |
NISTdegRankineTOk | Convert degree Rankine to kelvin |
NISTdegRankineTOkInterval | Convert degree Rankine temperature interval to kelvin |
NISTdegTOgon | Convert degree to gon |
NISTdegTOmil | Convert degree to mil |
NISTdegTOradian | Convert degree to radian |
NISTdenierTOgramPerMeter | Convert denier to gram per meter |
NISTdenierTOkgPerMeter | Convert denier to kilogram per meter |
NISTdyneCmTOnewtonMeter | Convert dyne centimeter to newton meter |
NISTdynePerSqrCmTOpascal | Convert dyne per square centimeter to pascal |
NISTdyneTOnewton | Convert dyne to newton |
NISTelectronvoltTOjoule | Convert electronvolt to joule |
NISTEMUOfCapacitanceTOfarad | Convert EMU of capacitance to farad |
NISTEMUOfCurrentTOampere | Convert EMU of current to ampere |
NISTEMUOfElectricPotentialTOvolt | Convert EMU of electric potential to volt |
NISTEMUOfInductanceTOhenry | Convert EMU of inductance to henry |
NISTEMUOfResistanceTOohm | Convert EMU of resistance to ohm |
NISTergPerSecTOwatt | Convert erg per second to watt |
NISTergPerSqrCmSecTOwattPerSqrMeter | Convert erg per square centimeter second to watt per square... |
NISTergTOjoule | Convert erg to joule |
NISTESUOfCapacitanceTOfarad | Convert ESU of capacitance to farad |
NISTESUOfCurrentTOampere | Convert ESU of current to ampere |
NISTESUOfElectricPotentialTOvolt | Convert ESU of electric potential to volt |
NISTESUOfInductanceTOhenry | Convert ESU of inductance to henry |
NISTESUOfResistanceTOohm | Convert ESU of resistance to ohm |
NISTfaradayTOcoulomb | Convert faraday to coulomb |
NISTfaradTOabfarad | Convert farad to abfarad |
NISTfaradToEMUOfCapacitance | Convert farad to EMU of capacitance |
NISTfaradToESUOfCapacitance | Convert farad to ESU of capacitance |
NISTfaradTOstatfarad | Convert farad to statfarad |
NISTfathomTOmeter | Convert fathom 7 to meter |
NISTfemtometerTOfermi | Convert femtometer to fermi |
NISTfermiTOfemtometer | Convert fermi to femtometer |
NISTfermiTOmeter | Convert fermi to meter |
NISTfluidOunceTOcubMeter | Convert fluid ounce to cubic meter |
NISTfluidOunceTOml | Convert fluid ounce to milliliter |
NISTfranklinTOcoulomb | Convert franklin to coulomb |
NISTft4thPowerTOmeter4thPower | Convert foot to the fourth power 16 to meter to the fourth... |
NISTftcandleTOlux | Convert footcandle to lux |
NISTftlambertTOcandelaPerSqrMeter | Convert footlambert to candela per square meter |
NISTftOfMercuryConvtnlTOkpascal | Convert foot of mercury, conventional 12 to kilopascal |
NISTftOfMercuryConvtnlTOpascal | Convert foot of mercury, conventional 12 to pascal |
NISTftOfWaterConvtnlTOkpascal | Convert foot of water, conventional 12 to kilopascal |
NISTftOfWaterConvtnlTOpascal | Convert foot of water, conventional 12 to pascal |
NISTftOfWaterTOkpascal | Convert foot of water 12 to kilopascal |
NISTftOfWaterTOpascal | Convert foot of water 12 to pascal |
NISTftPerHourTOmeterPerSec | Convert foot per hour to meter per second |
NISTftPerMinTOmeterPerSec | Convert foot per minute to meter per second |
NISTftPerSecSqrdTOmeterPerSecSqrd | Convert foot per second squared to meter per second squared |
NISTftPerSecTOmeterPerSec | Convert foot per second to meter per second |
NISTftPoundalTOjoule | Convert foot poundal to joule |
NISTftPoundForcePerHourTOwatt | Convert foot pound-force per hour to watt |
NISTftPoundForcePerMinTOwatt | Convert foot pound-force per minute to watt |
NISTftPoundForcePerSecTOwatt | Convert foot pound-force per second to watt |
NISTftPoundForceTOjoule | Convert foot pound-force to joule |
NISTftTOmeter | Convert foot to meter |
NISTftUSsurveyTOmeter | Convert foot 7 to meter |
NISTgallonImperialTOcubMeter | Convert gallon to cubic meter |
NISTgallonImperialTOliter | Convert gallon to liter |
NISTgallonPerDayTOcubMeterPerSec | Convert gallon per day to cubic meter per second |
NISTgallonPerDayTOliterPerSec | Convert gallon per day to liter per second |
NISTgallonPerHorsepowerHourTOcubMeterPerJoule | Convert gallon per horsepower hour to cubic meter per joule |
NISTgallonPerHorsepowerHourTOliterPerJoule | Convert gallon per horsepower hour to liter per joule |
NISTgallonPerMinTOcubMeterPerSec | Convert gallon per minute to cubic meter per second |
NISTgallonPerMinTOliterPerSec | Convert gallon per minute to liter per second |
NISTgallonTOcubMeter | Convert gallon to cubic meter |
NISTgallonTOliter | Convert gallon to liter |
NISTgalTOmeterPerSecSqrd | Convert gal to meter per second squared |
NISTgammaTOtesla | Convert gamma to tesla |
NISTgaussTOtesla | Convert gauss to tesla |
NISTgilbertTOampere | Convert gilbert to ampere |
NISTgillImperialTOcubMeter | Convert gill to cubic meter |
NISTgillImperialTOliter | Convert gill to liter |
NISTgillTOcubMeter | Convert gill to cubic meter |
NISTgillTOliter | Convert gill to liter |
NISTgonTOdeg | Convert gon to degree |
NISTgonTOradian | Convert gon to radian |
NISTgrainPerGallonTOkgPerCubMeter | Convert grain per gallon to kilogram per cubic meter |
NISTgrainPerGallonTOmilligramPerLiter | Convert grain per gallon to milligram per liter |
NISTgrainTOkg | Convert grain to kilogram |
NISTgrainTOmilligram | Convert grain to milligram |
NISTgramForcePerSqrCmTOpascal | Convert gram-force per square centimeter to pascal |
NISTgramPerCubCmTOkgPerCubMeter | Convert gram per cubic centimeter to kilogram per cubic meter |
NISTgramPerLiterTOounceImperialPerGallon | Convert gram per liter to ounce per gallon |
NISTgramPerLiterTOouncePerGallon | Convert gram per liter to ounce per gallon |
NISTgramPerMeterTOdenier | Convert gram per meter to denier |
NISTgramTOcaratSI | Convert gram to carat, metric |
NISTgramTOounceAvoirdupois | Convert gram to ounce |
NISTgramTOounceTroy | Convert gram to ounce |
NISTgramTOpennyweight | Convert gram to pennyweight |
NISTgramTOtonAssay | Convert gram to ton, assay |
NISTgrayTOrad | Convert gray to rad |
NISThectareTOsqrMeter | Convert hectare to square meter |
NISThenryTOabhenry | Convert henry to abhenry |
NISThenryToEMUOfInductance | Convert henry to EMU of inductance |
NISThenryToESUOfInductance | Convert henry to ESU of inductance |
NISThenryTOstathenry | Convert henry to stathenry |
NISThorsepowerBoilerTOwatt | Convert horsepower to watt |
NISThorsepowerElectricTOwatt | Convert horsepower to watt |
NISThorsepowerImperialTOwatt | Convert horsepower to watt |
NISThorsepowerSItOwatt | Convert horsepower to watt |
NISThorsepowerTOwatt | Convert horsepower to watt |
NISThorsepowerWaterTOwatt | Convert horsepower to watt |
NISThourSiderealTOsec | Convert hour to second |
NISThourTOsec | Convert hour to second |
NISThundredweightLongTOkg | Convert hundredweight to kilogram |
NISThundredweightShortTOkg | Convert hundredweight to kilogram |
NISTinch4thPowerTOmeter4thPower | Convert inch to the fourth power 16 to meter to the fourth... |
NISTinchOfMercury32FtOkpascal | Convert inch of mercury 12 to kilopascal |
NISTinchOfMercury32FtOpascal | Convert inch of mercury 12 to pascal |
NISTinchOfMercury60FtOkpascal | Convert inch of mercury 12 to kilopascal |
NISTinchOfMercury60FtOpascal | Convert inch of mercury 12 to pascal |
NISTinchOfMercuryConvtnlTOkpascal | Convert inch of mercury, conventional 12 to kilopascal |
NISTinchOfMercuryConvtnlTOpascal | Convert inch of mercury, conventional 12 to pascal |
NISTinchOfWater39.2FtOpascal | Convert inch of water 12 to pascal |
NISTinchOfWater60FtOpascal | Convert inch of water 12 to pascal |
NISTinchOfWaterConvtnlTOpascal | Convert inch of water, conventional 12 to pascal |
NISTinchPerSecSqrdTOmeterPerSecSqrd | Convert inch per second squared to meter per second squared |
NISTinchPerSecTOmeterPerSec | Convert inch per second to meter per second |
NISTinchTOcm | Convert inch to centimeter |
NISTinchTOmeter | Convert inch to meter |
NISTjoulePerCubMeterTOukThUnITPerCubFt | Convert joule per cubic meter to British thermal unitIT per... |
NISTjoulePerCubMeterTOukThUnthPerCubFt | Convert joule per cubic meter to British thermal unitth per... |
NISTjoulePerKgKtOcalITPerGramDegC | Convert joule per kilogram kelvin to calorieIT per gram... |
NISTjoulePerKgKtOcalITPerGramK | Convert joule per kilogram kelvin to calorieIT per gram... |
NISTjoulePerKgKtOcalthPerGramDegC | Convert joule per kilogram kelvin to calorieth per gram... |
NISTjoulePerKgKtOcalthPerGramK | Convert joule per kilogram kelvin to calorieth per gram... |
NISTjoulePerKgKtOukThUnITPerPoundDegF | Convert joule per kilogram kelvin to British thermal unitIT... |
NISTjoulePerKgKtOukThUnITPerPoundDegRankine | Convert joule per kilogram kelvin to British thermal unitIT... |
NISTjoulePerKgKtOukThUnthPerPoundDegF | Convert joule per kilogram kelvin to British thermal unitth... |
NISTjoulePerKgKtOukThUnthPerPoundDegRankine | Convert joule per kilogram kelvin to British thermal unitth... |
NISTjoulePerKgTOcalITPerGram | Convert joule per kilogram to calorieIT per gram |
NISTjoulePerKgTOcalthPerGram | Convert joule per kilogram to calorieth per gram |
NISTjoulePerKgTOukThUnITPerPound | Convert joule per kilogram to British thermal unitIT per... |
NISTjoulePerKgTOukThUnthPerPound | Convert joule per kilogram to British thermal unitth per... |
NISTjoulePerKtOukThUnITPerDegF | Convert joule per kelvin to British thermal unitIT per degree... |
NISTjoulePerKtOukThUnITPerDegRankine | Convert joule per kelvin to British thermal unitIT per degree... |
NISTjoulePerKtOukThUnthPerDegF | Convert joule per kelvin to British thermal unitth per degree... |
NISTjoulePerKtOukThUnthPerDegRankine | Convert joule per kelvin to British thermal unitth per degree... |
NISTjoulePerSqrMeterTOcalthPerSqrCm | Convert joule per square meter to calorieth per square... |
NISTjoulePerSqrMeterTOlangley | Convert joule per square meter to langley |
NISTjoulePerSqrMeterTOukThUnITPerSqrFt | Convert joule per square meter to British thermal unitIT per... |
NISTjoulePerSqrMeterTOukThUnthPerSqrFt | Convert joule per square meter to British thermal unitth per... |
NISTjouleTOcal | Convert joule to calorie |
NISTjouleTOcal15C | Convert joule to calorie |
NISTjouleTOcal20C | Convert joule to calorie |
NISTjouleTOcalIT | Convert joule to calorieIT 10 |
NISTjouleTOcalITKg | Convert joule to calorieIT, kilogram 11 |
NISTjouleTOcalKg | Convert joule to calorie , kilogram 11 |
NISTjouleTOcalth | Convert joule to calorieth 10 |
NISTjouleTOcalthKg | Convert joule to calorieth , kilogram 11 |
NISTjouleTOelectronvolt | Convert joule to electronvolt |
NISTjouleTOerg | Convert joule to erg |
NISTjouleTOftPoundal | Convert joule to foot poundal |
NISTjouleTOftPoundForce | Convert joule to foot pound-force |
NISTjouleTOkilocal | Convert joule to kilocalorie |
NISTjouleTOkilocalIT | Convert joule to kilocalorieIT |
NISTjouleTOkilocalth | Convert joule to kilocalorieth |
NISTjouleTOkilowattHour | Convert joule to kilowatt hour |
NISTjouleTOquad | Convert joule to quad 11 |
NISTjouleTOthermEC | Convert joule to therm 24 |
NISTjouleTOthermUS | Convert joule to therm 24 |
NISTjouleTOtonOfTNT | Convert joule to ton of TNT 25 |
NISTjouleTOukThUn | Convert joule to British thermal unit |
NISTjouleTOukThUn39F | Convert joule to British thermal unit |
NISTjouleTOukThUn59F | Convert joule to British thermal unit |
NISTjouleTOukThUn60F | Convert joule to British thermal unit |
NISTjouleTOukThUnIT | Convert joule to British thermal unitIT 9 |
NISTjouleTOukThUnth | Convert joule to British thermal unitth 9 |
NISTjouleTOwattHour | Convert joule to watt hour |
NISTjouleTOwattSec | Convert joule to watt second |
NISTkayserTOreciprocalMeter | Convert kayser to reciprocal meter |
NISTkgForceMeterTOnewtonMeter | Convert kilogram-force meter to newton meter |
NISTkgForcePerSqrCmTOkpascal | Convert kilogram-force per square centimeter to kilopascal |
NISTkgForcePerSqrCmTOpascal | Convert kilogram-force per square centimeter to pascal |
NISTkgForcePerSqrMeterTOpascal | Convert kilogram-force per square meter to pascal |
NISTkgForcePerSqrMillimeterTOmpascal | Convert kilogram-force per square millimeter to megapascal |
NISTkgForcePerSqrMillimeterTOpascal | Convert kilogram-force per square millimeter to pascal |
NISTkgForceSecSqrdPerMeterTOkg | Convert kilogram-force second squared per meter to kilogram |
NISTkgForceTOnewton | Convert kilogram-force to newton |
NISTkgMeterSqrdTOpoundFtSqrd | Convert kilogram meter squared to pound foot squared |
NISTkgMeterSqrdTOpoundInchSqrd | Convert kilogram meter squared to pound inch squared |
NISTkgPerCubMeterTOgrainPerGallon | Convert kilogram per cubic meter to grain per gallon |
NISTkgPerCubMeterTOgramPerCubCm | Convert kilogram per cubic meter to gram per cubic centimeter |
NISTkgPerCubMeterTOounceImperialPerGallon | Convert kilogram per cubic meter to ounce per gallon |
NISTkgPerCubMeterTOouncePerCubInch | Convert kilogram per cubic meter to ounce per cubic inch |
NISTkgPerCubMeterTOouncePerGallon | Convert kilogram per cubic meter to ounce per gallon |
NISTkgPerCubMeterTOpoundPerCubFt | Convert kilogram per cubic meter to pound per cubic foot |
NISTkgPerCubMeterTOpoundPerCubInch | Convert kilogram per cubic meter to pound per cubic inch |
NISTkgPerCubMeterTOpoundPerCubYard | Convert kilogram per cubic meter to pound per cubic yard |
NISTkgPerCubMeterTOpoundPerGallon | Convert kilogram per cubic meter to pound per gallon |
NISTkgPerCubMeterTOpoundPerGallonImperial | Convert kilogram per cubic meter to pound per gallon |
NISTkgPerCubMeterTOslugPerCubFt | Convert kilogram per cubic meter to slug per cubic foot |
NISTkgPerCubMeterTOtonLongPerCubYard | Convert kilogram per cubic meter to ton, long, per cubic yard |
NISTkgPerCubMeterTOtonShortPerCubYard | Convert kilogram per cubic meter to ton, short, per cubic... |
NISTkgPerJouleTOpoundPerHorsepowerHour | Convert kilogram per joule to pound per horsepower hour |
NISTkgPerLiterTOpoundPerGallon | Convert kilogram per liter to pound per gallon |
NISTkgPerLiterTOpoundPerGallonImperial | Convert kilogram per liter to pound per gallon |
NISTkgPerMeterTOdenier | Convert kilogram per meter to denier |
NISTkgPerMeterTOpoundPerFt | Convert kilogram per meter to pound per foot |
NISTkgPerMeterTOpoundPerInch | Convert kilogram per meter to pound per inch |
NISTkgPerMeterTOpoundPerYard | Convert kilogram per meter to pound per yard |
NISTkgPerMeterTOtex | Convert kilogram per meter to tex |
NISTkgPerPascalSecMeterTOpermInch0C | Convert kilogram per pascal second meter to perm inch |
NISTkgPerPascalSecMeterTOpermInch23C | Convert kilogram per pascal second meter to perm inch |
NISTkgPerPascalSecSqrMeterTOperm0C | Convert kilogram per pascal second square meter to perm |
NISTkgPerPascalSecSqrMeterTOperm23C | Convert kilogram per pascal second square meter to perm |
NISTkgPerSecTOpoundPerHour | Convert kilogram per second to pound per hour |
NISTkgPerSecTOpoundPerMin | Convert kilogram per second to pound per minute |
NISTkgPerSecTOpoundPerSec | Convert kilogram per second to pound per second |
NISTkgPerSecTOtonShortPerHour | Convert kilogram per second to ton, short, per hour |
NISTkgPerSqrMeterTOouncePerSqrFt | Convert kilogram per square meter to ounce per square foot |
NISTkgPerSqrMeterTOouncePerSqrInch | Convert kilogram per square meter to ounce per square inch |
NISTkgPerSqrMeterTOouncePerSqrYard | Convert kilogram per square meter to ounce per square yard |
NISTkgPerSqrMeterTOpoundPerSqrFt | Convert kilogram per square meter to pound per square foot |
NISTkgPerSqrMeterTOpoundPerSqrInch | Convert kilogram per square meter to pound per square inch |
NISTkgTOcaratSI | Convert kilogram to carat, metric |
NISTkgTOgrain | Convert kilogram to grain |
NISTkgTOhundredweightLong | Convert kilogram to hundredweight |
NISTkgTOhundredweightShort | Convert kilogram to hundredweight |
NISTkgTOkgForceSecSqrdPerMeter | Convert kilogram to kilogram-force second squared per meter |
NISTkgTOounceAvoirdupois | Convert kilogram to ounce |
NISTkgTOounceTroy | Convert kilogram to ounce |
NISTkgTOpennyweight | Convert kilogram to pennyweight |
NISTkgTOpoundAvoirdupois | Convert kilogram to pound 22 |
NISTkgTOpoundTroy | Convert kilogram to pound |
NISTkgTOslug | Convert kilogram to slug |
NISTkgTOtonAssay | Convert kilogram to ton, assay |
NISTkgTOtonLong | Convert kilogram to ton, long |
NISTkgTOtonne | Convert kilogram to tonne |
NISTkgTOtonShort | Convert kilogram to ton, short |
NISTkgTOtonSI | Convert kilogram to ton, metric |
NISTkilocalITtOjoule | Convert kilocalorieIT to joule |
NISTkilocalthPerMinTOwatt | Convert kilocalorieth per minute to watt |
NISTkilocalthPerSecTOwatt | Convert kilocalorieth per second to watt |
NISTkilocalthTOjoule | Convert kilocalorieth to joule |
NISTkilocalTOjoule | Convert kilocalorie to joule |
NISTkilonewtonTOkip | Convert kilonewton to kip |
NISTkilonewtonTOtonForce | Convert kilonewton to ton-force |
NISTkilopondTOnewton | Convert kilopond to newton |
NISTkilowattHourTOjoule | Convert kilowatt hour to joule |
NISTkilowattHourTOmegajoule | Convert kilowatt hour to megajoule |
NISTkipPerSqrInchTOkpascal | Convert kip per square inch to kilopascal |
NISTkipPerSqrInchTOpascal | Convert kip per square inch to pascal |
NISTkipTOkilonewton | Convert kip to kilonewton |
NISTkipTOnewton | Convert kip to newton |
NISTkmPerHourTOmeterPerSec | Convert kilometer per hour to meter per second |
NISTkmPerHourTOmilePerHour | Convert kilometer per hour to mile per hour |
NISTkmPerLiterTOmilePerGallon | Convert kilometer per liter to mile per gallon |
NISTkmTOmile | Convert kilometer to mile |
NISTkmTOmileUSsurvey | Convert kilometer to mile 7 |
NISTknotTOmeterPerSec | Convert knot to meter per second |
NISTkpascalTOatmosphereStd | Convert kilopascal to atmosphere, standard |
NISTkpascalTOatmosphereTechnical | Convert kilopascal to atmosphere, technical 8 |
NISTkpascalTObar | Convert kilopascal to bar |
NISTkpascalTOcmOfMercury | Convert kilopascal to centimeter of mercury 12 |
NISTkpascalTOcmOfMercuryConvtnl | Convert kilopascal to centimeter of mercury, conventional 12 |
NISTkpascalTOftOfMercuryConvtnl | Convert kilopascal to foot of mercury, conventional 12 |
NISTkpascalTOftOfWater | Convert kilopascal to foot of water 12 |
NISTkpascalTOftOfWaterConvtnl | Convert kilopascal to foot of water, conventional 12 |
NISTkpascalTOinchOfMercury32F | Convert kilopascal to inch of mercury 12 |
NISTkpascalTOinchOfMercury60F | Convert kilopascal to inch of mercury 12 |
NISTkpascalTOinchOfMercuryConvtnl | Convert kilopascal to inch of mercury, conventional 12 |
NISTkpascalTOkgForcePerSqrCm | Convert kilopascal to kilogram-force per square centimeter |
NISTkpascalTOkipPerSqrInch | Convert kilopascal to kip per square inch |
NISTkpascalTOmillibar | Convert kilopascal to millibar |
NISTkpascalTOpoundForcePerSqrInch | Convert kilopascal to pound-force per square inch |
NISTkpascalTOpsi | Convert kilopascal to psi |
NISTkPerWattTOdegFHourPerUkThUnIT | Convert kelvin per watt to degree Fahrenheit hour per British... |
NISTkPerWattTOdegFHourPerUkThUnth | Convert kelvin per watt to degree Fahrenheit hour per British... |
NISTkPerWattTOdegFSecPerUkThUnIT | Convert kelvin per watt to degree Fahrenheit second per... |
NISTkPerWattTOdegFSecPerUkThUnth | Convert kelvin per watt to degree Fahrenheit second per... |
NISTkTOdegC | Convert kelvin to degree Celsius |
NISTkTOdegCinterval | Convert kelvin temperature interval to degree Celsius |
NISTkTOdegF | Convert kelvin to degree Fahrenheit |
NISTkTOdegFinterval | Convert kelvin temperature interval to degree Fahrenheit |
NISTkTOdegRankine | Convert kelvin to degree Rankine |
NISTkTOdegRankineInterval | Convert kelvin temperature interval to degree Rankine |
NISTlambertTOcandelaPerSqrMeter | Convert lambert 17 to candela per square meter |
NISTlangleyTOjoulePerSqrMeter | Convert langley to joule per square meter |
NISTlightYearTOmeter | Convert light year 18 to meter |
NISTliterPer100KmTOmilePerGallon | Convert liter per 100 kilometer to mile per gallon 21 |
NISTliterPerJouleTOgallonPerHorsepowerHour | Convert liter per joule to gallon per horsepower hour |
NISTliterPerSecTOcubFtPerMin | Convert liter per second to cubic foot per minute |
NISTliterPerSecTOgallonPerDay | Convert liter per second to gallon per day |
NISTliterPerSecTOgallonPerMin | Convert liter per second to gallon per minute |
NISTliterTObarrel | Convert liter to barrel |
NISTliterTObushel | Convert liter to bushel |
NISTliterTOcubMeter | Convert liter 19 to cubic meter |
NISTliterTOcup | Convert liter to cup |
NISTliterTOgallon | Convert liter to gallon |
NISTliterTOgallonImperial | Convert liter to gallon |
NISTliterTOgill | Convert liter to gill |
NISTliterTOgillImperial | Convert liter to gill |
NISTliterTOpeck | Convert liter to peck |
NISTliterTOpintUSdry | Convert liter to pint |
NISTliterTOpintUSliquid | Convert liter to pint |
NISTliterTOquartUSdry | Convert liter to quart |
NISTliterTOquartUSliquid | Convert liter to quart |
NISTlumenPerSqrFtTOlux | Convert lumen per square foot to lux |
NISTluxTOftcandle | Convert lux to footcandle |
NISTluxTOlumenPerSqrFt | Convert lux to lumen per square foot |
NISTluxTOphot | Convert lux to phot |
NISTmaxwellTOweber | Convert maxwell to weber |
NISTmegajouleTOkilowattHour | Convert megajoule to kilowatt hour |
NISTmeter4thPowerTOft4thPower | Convert meter to the fourth power to foot to the fourth power... |
NISTmeter4thPowerTOinch4thPower | Convert meter to the fourth power to inch to the fourth power... |
NISTmeterKPerWattTOdegFHourSqrFtPerUkThUnITInch | Convert meter kelvin per watt to degree Fahrenheit hour... |
NISTmeterKPerWattTOdegFHourSqrFtPerUkThUnthInch | Convert meter kelvin per watt to degree Fahrenheit hour... |
NISTmeterPerCubMeterTOmilePerGallon | Convert meter per cubic meter to mile per gallon |
NISTmeterPerSecSqrdTOaccelOfFreeFallStd | Convert meter per second squared to acceleration of free... |
NISTmeterPerSecSqrdTOftPerSecSqrd | Convert meter per second squared to foot per second squared |
NISTmeterPerSecSqrdTOgal | Convert meter per second squared to gal |
NISTmeterPerSecSqrdTOinchPerSecSqrd | Convert meter per second squared to inch per second squared |
NISTmeterPerSecTOftPerHour | Convert meter per second to foot per hour |
NISTmeterPerSecTOftPerMin | Convert meter per second to foot per minute |
NISTmeterPerSecTOftPerSec | Convert meter per second to foot per second |
NISTmeterPerSecTOinchPerSec | Convert meter per second to inch per second |
NISTmeterPerSecTOkmPerHour | Convert meter per second to kilometer per hour |
NISTmeterPerSecTOknot | Convert meter per second to knot |
NISTmeterPerSecTOmilePerHour | Convert meter per second to mile per hour |
NISTmeterPerSecTOmilePerMin | Convert meter per second to mile per minute |
NISTmeterPerSecTOmilePerSec | Convert meter per second to mile per second |
NISTmeterSqrdPerSecTOcentistokes | Convert meter squared per second to centistokes |
NISTmeterSqrdPerSecTOstokes | Convert meter squared per second to stokes |
NISTmeterSqrdTOdarcy | Convert meter squared to darcy 14 |
NISTmeterTOangstrom | Convert meter to angstrom |
NISTmeterTOastronomicalUn | Convert meter to astronomical unit |
NISTmeterTOchain | Convert meter to chain 7 |
NISTmeterTOfathom | Convert meter to fathom 7 |
NISTmeterTOfermi | Convert meter to fermi |
NISTmeterTOft | Convert meter to foot |
NISTmeterTOftUSsurvey | Convert meter to foot 7 |
NISTmeterTOinch | Convert meter to inch |
NISTmeterTOlightYear | Convert meter to light year 18 |
NISTmeterTOmicroinch | Convert meter to microinch |
NISTmeterTOmicron | Convert meter to micron |
NISTmeterTOmil | Convert meter to mil |
NISTmeterTOmile | Convert meter to mile |
NISTmeterTOmileNautical | Convert meter to mile, nautical 20 |
NISTmeterTOmileUSsurvey | Convert meter to mile 7 |
NISTmeterTOparsec | Convert meter to parsec |
NISTmeterTOpicaComputer | Convert meter to pica |
NISTmeterTOpicaPrinter | Convert meter to pica |
NISTmeterTOpointComputer | Convert meter to point |
NISTmeterTOpointPrinter | Convert meter to point |
NISTmeterTOrod | Convert meter to rod 7 |
NISTmeterTOyard | Convert meter to yard |
NISTmhoTOsiemens | Convert mho to siemens |
NISTmicroinchTOmeter | Convert microinch to meter |
NISTmicroinchTOmicrometer | Convert microinch to micrometer |
NISTmicrometerTOmicroinch | Convert micrometer to microinch |
NISTmicrometerTOmicron | Convert micrometer to micron |
NISTmicronTOmeter | Convert micron to meter |
NISTmicronTOmicrometer | Convert micron to micrometer |
NISTmileNauticalTOmeter | Convert mile, nautical 20 to meter |
NISTmilePerGallonTOkmPerLiter | Convert mile per gallon to kilometer per liter |
NISTmilePerGallonTOliterPer100Km | Convert mile per gallon 21 to liter per 100 kilometer |
NISTmilePerGallonTOmeterPerCubMeter | Convert mile per gallon to meter per cubic meter |
NISTmilePerHourTOkmPerHour | Convert mile per hour to kilometer per hour |
NISTmilePerHourTOmeterPerSec | Convert mile per hour to meter per second |
NISTmilePerMinTOmeterPerSec | Convert mile per minute to meter per second |
NISTmilePerSecTOmeterPerSec | Convert mile per second to meter per second |
NISTmileTOkm | Convert mile to kilometer |
NISTmileTOmeter | Convert mile to meter |
NISTmileUSsurveyTOkm | Convert mile 7 to kilometer |
NISTmileUSsurveyTOmeter | Convert mile 7 to meter |
NISTmillibarTOkpascal | Convert millibar to kilopascal |
NISTmillibarTOpascal | Convert millibar to pascal |
NISTmilligramPerLiterTOgrainPerGallon | Convert milligram per liter to grain per gallon |
NISTmilligramTOgrain | Convert milligram to grain |
NISTmillimeterOfMercuryConvtnlTOpascal | Convert millimeter of mercury, conventional 12 to pascal |
NISTmillimeterOfWaterConvtnlTOpascal | Convert millimeter of water, conventional 12 to pascal |
NISTmillimeterTOmil | Convert millimeter to mil |
NISTmillimeterTOpicaComputer | Convert millimeter to pica |
NISTmillimeterTOpicaPrinter | Convert millimeter to pica |
NISTmillimeterTOpointComputer | Convert millimeter to point |
NISTmillimeterTOpointPrinter | Convert millimeter to point |
NISTmillinewtonMeterTOounceForceInch | Convert millinewton meter to ounce -force inch |
NISTmilTOdeg | Convert mil to degree |
NISTmilTOmeter | Convert mil to meter |
NISTmilTOmillimeter | Convert mil to millimeter |
NISTmilTOradian | Convert mil to radian |
NISTminSiderealTOsec | Convert minute to second |
NISTminTOradian | Convert minute to radian |
NISTminTOsec | Convert minute to second |
NISTmlTOcup | Convert milliliter to cup |
NISTmlTOfluidOunce | Convert milliliter to fluid ounce |
NISTmlTOounce | Convert milliliter to ounce |
NISTmlTOounceImperial | Convert milliliter to ounce |
NISTmlTOtablespoon | Convert milliliter to tablespoon |
NISTmlTOteaspoon | Convert milliliter to teaspoon |
NISTmpascalTOkgForcePerSqrMillimeter | Convert megapascal to kilogram-force per square millimeter |
NISTnanometerTOangstrom | Convert nanometer to angstrom |
NISTnanosecTOshake | Convert nanosecond to shake |
NISTnewtonMeterPerMeterTOpoundForceFtPerInch | Convert newton meter per meter to pound-force foot per inch |
NISTnewtonMeterPerMeterTOpoundForceInchPerInch | Convert newton meter per meter to pound-force inch per inch |
NISTnewtonMeterTOdyneCm | Convert newton meter to dyne centimeter |
NISTnewtonMeterTOkgForceMeter | Convert newton meter to kilogram-force meter |
NISTnewtonMeterTOounceForceInch | Convert newton meter to ounce -force inch |
NISTnewtonMeterTOpoundForceFt | Convert newton meter to pound-force foot |
NISTnewtonMeterTOpoundForceInch | Convert newton meter to pound-force inch |
NISTnewtonPerKgTOpoundForcePerPound | Convert newton per kilogram to pound-force per pound |
NISTnewtonPerMeterTOpoundForcePerFt | Convert newton per meter to pound-force per foot |
NISTnewtonPerMeterTOpoundForcePerInch | Convert newton per meter to pound-force per inch |
NISTnewtonTOdyne | Convert newton to dyne |
NISTnewtonTOkgForce | Convert newton to kilogram-force |
NISTnewtonTOkilopond | Convert newton to kilopond |
NISTnewtonTOkip | Convert newton to kip |
NISTnewtonTOounceForce | Convert newton to ounce -force |
NISTnewtonTOpoundal | Convert newton to poundal |
NISTnewtonTOpoundForce | Convert newton to pound-force 23 |
NISTnewtonTOtonForce | Convert newton to ton-force |
NISToerstedTOamperePerMeter | Convert oersted to ampere per meter |
NISTohmCircularMilPerFtTOohmMeter | Convert ohm circular-mil per foot to ohm meter |
NISTohmCircularMilPerFtTOohmSqrMillimeterPerMeter | Convert ohm circular-mil per foot to ohm square millimeter... |
NISTohmCmTOohmMeter | Convert ohm centimeter to ohm meter |
NISTohmMeterTOohmCircularMilPerFt | Convert ohm meter to ohm circular-mil per foot |
NISTohmMeterTOohmCm | Convert ohm meter to ohm centimeter |
NISTohmSqrMillimeterPerMeterTOohmCircularMilPerFt | Convert ohm square millimeter per meter to ohm circular-mil... |
NISTohmTOabohm | Convert ohm to abohm |
NISTohmToEMUOfResistance | Convert ohm to EMU of resistance |
NISTohmToESUOfResistance | Convert ohm to ESU of resistance |
NISTohmTOstatohm | Convert ohm to statohm |
NISTounceAvoirdupoisTOgram | Convert ounce to gram |
NISTounceAvoirdupoisTOkg | Convert ounce to kilogram |
NISTounceForceInchTOmillinewtonMeter | Convert ounce -force inch to millinewton meter |
NISTounceForceInchTOnewtonMeter | Convert ounce -force inch to newton meter |
NISTounceForceTOnewton | Convert ounce -force to newton |
NISTounceImperialPerGallonTOgramPerLiter | Convert ounce per gallon to gram per liter |
NISTounceImperialPerGallonTOkgPerCubMeter | Convert ounce per gallon to kilogram per cubic meter |
NISTounceImperialTOcubMeter | Convert ounce to cubic meter |
NISTounceImperialTOml | Convert ounce to milliliter |
NISTouncePerCubInchTOkgPerCubMeter | Convert ounce per cubic inch to kilogram per cubic meter |
NISTouncePerGallonTOgramPerLiter | Convert ounce per gallon to gram per liter |
NISTouncePerGallonTOkgPerCubMeter | Convert ounce per gallon to kilogram per cubic meter |
NISTouncePerSqrFtTOkgPerSqrMeter | Convert ounce per square foot to kilogram per square meter |
NISTouncePerSqrInchTOkgPerSqrMeter | Convert ounce per square inch to kilogram per square meter |
NISTouncePerSqrYardTOkgPerSqrMeter | Convert ounce per square yard to kilogram per square meter |
NISTounceTOcubMeter | Convert ounce to cubic meter |
NISTounceTOml | Convert ounce to milliliter |
NISTounceTroyTOgram | Convert ounce to gram |
NISTounceTroyTOkg | Convert ounce to kilogram |
NISTparsecTOmeter | Convert parsec to meter |
NISTpascalSecTOcentipoise | Convert pascal second to centipoise |
NISTpascalSecTOpoise | Convert pascal second to poise |
NISTpascalSecTOpoundalSecPerSqrFt | Convert pascal second to poundal second per square foot |
NISTpascalSecTOpoundForceSecPerSqrFt | Convert pascal second to pound-force second per square foot |
NISTpascalSecTOpoundForceSecPerSqrInch | Convert pascal second to pound-force second per square inch |
NISTpascalSecTOpoundPerFtHour | Convert pascal second to pound per foot hour |
NISTpascalSecTOpoundPerFtSec | Convert pascal second to pound per foot second |
NISTpascalSecTOslugPerFtSec | Convert pascal second to slug per foot second |
NISTpascalTOatmosphereStd | Convert pascal to atmosphere, standard |
NISTpascalTOatmosphereTechnical | Convert pascal to atmosphere, technical 8 |
NISTpascalTObar | Convert pascal to bar |
NISTpascalTOcmOfMercury | Convert pascal to centimeter of mercury 12 |
NISTpascalTOcmOfMercuryConvtnl | Convert pascal to centimeter of mercury, conventional 12 |
NISTpascalTOcmOfWater | Convert pascal to centimeter of water 12 |
NISTpascalTOcmOfWaterConvtnl | Convert pascal to centimeter of water, conventional 12 |
NISTpascalTOdynePerSqrCm | Convert pascal to dyne per square centimeter |
NISTpascalTOftOfMercuryConvtnl | Convert pascal to foot of mercury, conventional 12 |
NISTpascalTOftOfWater | Convert pascal to foot of water 12 |
NISTpascalTOftOfWaterConvtnl | Convert pascal to foot of water, conventional 12 |
NISTpascalTOgramForcePerSqrCm | Convert pascal to gram-force per square centimeter |
NISTpascalTOinchOfMercury32F | Convert pascal to inch of mercury 12 |
NISTpascalTOinchOfMercury60F | Convert pascal to inch of mercury 12 |
NISTpascalTOinchOfMercuryConvtnl | Convert pascal to inch of mercury, conventional 12 |
NISTpascalTOinchOfWater39.2F | Convert pascal to inch of water 12 |
NISTpascalTOinchOfWater60F | Convert pascal to inch of water 12 |
NISTpascalTOinchOfWaterConvtnl | Convert pascal to inch of water, conventional 12 |
NISTpascalTOkgForcePerSqrCm | Convert pascal to kilogram-force per square centimeter |
NISTpascalTOkgForcePerSqrMeter | Convert pascal to kilogram-force per square meter |
NISTpascalTOkgForcePerSqrMillimeter | Convert pascal to kilogram-force per square millimeter |
NISTpascalTOkipPerSqrInch | Convert pascal to kip per square inch |
NISTpascalTOmillibar | Convert pascal to millibar |
NISTpascalTOmillimeterOfMercuryConvtnl | Convert pascal to millimeter of mercury, conventional 12 |
NISTpascalTOmillimeterOfWaterConvtnl | Convert pascal to millimeter of water, conventional 12 |
NISTpascalTOpoundalPerSqrFt | Convert pascal to poundal per square foot |
NISTpascalTOpoundForcePerSqrFt | Convert pascal to pound-force per square foot |
NISTpascalTOpoundForcePerSqrInch | Convert pascal to pound-force per square inch |
NISTpascalTOpsi | Convert pascal to psi |
NISTpascalTOtorr | Convert pascal to torr |
NISTpeckTOcubMeter | Convert peck to cubic meter |
NISTpeckTOliter | Convert peck to liter |
NISTpennyweightTOgram | Convert pennyweight to gram |
NISTpennyweightTOkg | Convert pennyweight to kilogram |
NISTperm0CtOkgPerPascalSecSqrMeter | Convert perm to kilogram per pascal second square meter |
NISTperm23CtOkgPerPascalSecSqrMeter | Convert perm to kilogram per pascal second square meter |
NISTpermInch0CtOkgPerPascalSecMeter | Convert perm inch to kilogram per pascal second meter |
NISTpermInch23CtOkgPerPascalSecMeter | Convert perm inch to kilogram per pascal second meter |
NISTphotTOlux | Convert phot to lux |
NISTpicaComputerTOmeter | Convert pica to meter |
NISTpicaComputerTOmillimeter | Convert pica to millimeter |
NISTpicaPrinterTOmeter | Convert pica to meter |
NISTpicaPrinterTOmillimeter | Convert pica to millimeter |
NISTpintUSdryTOcubMeter | Convert pint to cubic meter |
NISTpintUSdryTOliter | Convert pint to liter |
NISTpintUSliquidTOcubMeter | Convert pint to cubic meter |
NISTpintUSliquidTOliter | Convert pint to liter |
NISTpointComputerTOmeter | Convert point to meter |
NISTpointComputerTOmillimeter | Convert point to millimeter |
NISTpointPrinterTOmeter | Convert point to meter |
NISTpointPrinterTOmillimeter | Convert point to millimeter |
NISTpoiseTOpascalSec | Convert poise to pascal second |
NISTpoundalPerSqrFtTOpascal | Convert poundal per square foot to pascal |
NISTpoundalSecPerSqrFtTOpascalSec | Convert poundal second per square foot to pascal second |
NISTpoundalTOnewton | Convert poundal to newton |
NISTpoundAvoirdupoisTOkg | Convert pound 22 to kilogram |
NISTpoundForceFtPerInchTOnewtonMeterPerMeter | Convert pound-force foot per inch to newton meter per meter |
NISTpoundForceFtTOnewtonMeter | Convert pound-force foot to newton meter |
NISTpoundForceInchPerInchTOnewtonMeterPerMeter | Convert pound-force inch per inch to newton meter per meter |
NISTpoundForceInchTOnewtonMeter | Convert pound-force inch to newton meter |
NISTpoundForcePerFtTOnewtonPerMeter | Convert pound-force per foot to newton per meter |
NISTpoundForcePerInchTOnewtonPerMeter | Convert pound-force per inch to newton per meter |
NISTpoundForcePerPoundTOnewtonPerKg | Convert pound-force per pound to newton per kilogram |
NISTpoundForcePerSqrFtTOpascal | Convert pound-force per square foot to pascal |
NISTpoundForcePerSqrInchTOkpascal | Convert pound-force per square inch to kilopascal |
NISTpoundForcePerSqrInchTOpascal | Convert pound-force per square inch to pascal |
NISTpoundForceSecPerSqrFtTOpascalSec | Convert pound-force second per square foot to pascal second |
NISTpoundForceSecPerSqrInchTOpascalSec | Convert pound-force second per square inch to pascal second |
NISTpoundForceTOnewton | Convert pound-force 23 to newton |
NISTpoundFtSqrdTOkgMeterSqrd | Convert pound foot squared to kilogram meter squared |
NISTpoundInchSqrdTOkgMeterSqrd | Convert pound inch squared to kilogram meter squared |
NISTpoundPerCubFtTOkgPerCubMeter | Convert pound per cubic foot to kilogram per cubic meter |
NISTpoundPerCubInchTOkgPerCubMeter | Convert pound per cubic inch to kilogram per cubic meter |
NISTpoundPerCubYardTOkgPerCubMeter | Convert pound per cubic yard to kilogram per cubic meter |
NISTpoundPerFtHourTOpascalSec | Convert pound per foot hour to pascal second |
NISTpoundPerFtSecTOpascalSec | Convert pound per foot second to pascal second |
NISTpoundPerFtTOkgPerMeter | Convert pound per foot to kilogram per meter |
NISTpoundPerGallonImperialTOkgPerCubMeter | Convert pound per gallon to kilogram per cubic meter |
NISTpoundPerGallonImperialTOkgPerLiter | Convert pound per gallon to kilogram per liter |
NISTpoundPerGallonTOkgPerCubMeter | Convert pound per gallon to kilogram per cubic meter |
NISTpoundPerGallonTOkgPerLiter | Convert pound per gallon to kilogram per liter |
NISTpoundPerHorsepowerHourTOkgPerJoule | Convert pound per horsepower hour to kilogram per joule |
NISTpoundPerHourTOkgPerSec | Convert pound per hour to kilogram per second |
NISTpoundPerInchTOkgPerMeter | Convert pound per inch to kilogram per meter |
NISTpoundPerMinTOkgPerSec | Convert pound per minute to kilogram per second |
NISTpoundPerSecTOkgPerSec | Convert pound per second to kilogram per second |
NISTpoundPerSqrFtTOkgPerSqrMeter | Convert pound per square foot to kilogram per square meter |
NISTpoundPerSqrInchTOkgPerSqrMeter | Convert pound per square inch to kilogram per square meter |
NISTpoundPerYardTOkgPerMeter | Convert pound per yard to kilogram per meter |
NISTpoundTroyTOkg | Convert pound to kilogram |
NISTpsiTOkpascal | Convert psi to kilopascal |
NISTpsiTOpascal | Convert psi to pascal |
NISTquadTOjoule | Convert quad 11 to joule |
NISTquartUSdryTOcubMeter | Convert quart to cubic meter |
NISTquartUSdryTOliter | Convert quart to liter |
NISTquartUSliquidTOcubMeter | Convert quart to cubic meter |
NISTquartUSliquidTOliter | Convert quart to liter |
NISTradianPerSecTOrevolutionPerMin | Convert radian per second to revolution per minute |
NISTradianPerSecTOrpm | Convert radian per second to rpm |
NISTradianTOdeg | Convert radian to degree |
NISTradianTOgon | Convert radian to gon |
NISTradianTOmil | Convert radian to mil |
NISTradianTOmin | Convert radian to minute |
NISTradianTOrevolution | Convert radian to revolution |
NISTradianTOsec | Convert radian to second |
NISTradTOgray | Convert rad to gray |
NISTreciprocalMeterTOkayser | Convert reciprocal meter to kayser |
NISTreciprocalPascalSec1TOrhe | Convert reciprocal pascal second -1 to rhe |
NISTremTOsievert | Convert rem to sievert |
NISTrevolutionPerMinTOradianPerSec | Convert revolution per minute to radian per second |
NISTrevolutionTOradian | Convert revolution to radian |
NISTrheTOreciprocalPascalSec1 | Convert rhe to reciprocal pascal second -1 |
NISTrodTOmeter | Convert rod 7 to meter |
NISTroentgenTOcoulombPerKg | Convert roentgen to coulomb per kilogram |
NISTrpmTOradianPerSec | Convert rpm to radian per second |
NISTsecTOday | Convert second to day |
NISTsecTOdaySidereal | Convert second to day |
NISTsecTOhour | Convert second to hour |
NISTsecTOhourSidereal | Convert second to hour |
NISTsecTOmin | Convert second to minute |
NISTsecTOminSidereal | Convert second to minute |
NISTsecTOradian | Convert second to radian |
NISTsecTOsec | Convert second to second |
NISTsecTOshake | Convert second to shake |
NISTsecTOyear | Convert second to year |
NISTsecTOyearSidereal | Convert second to year |
NISTsecTOyearTropical | Convert second to year |
NISTshakeTOnanosec | Convert shake to nanosecond |
NISTshakeTOsec | Convert shake to second |
NISTsiemensTOabmho | Convert siemens to abmho |
NISTsiemensTOmho | Convert siemens to mho |
NISTsiemensTOstatmho | Convert siemens to statmho |
NISTsievertTOrem | Convert sievert to rem |
NISTslugPerCubFtTOkgPerCubMeter | Convert slug per cubic foot to kilogram per cubic meter |
NISTslugPerFtSecTOpascalSec | Convert slug per foot second to pascal second |
NISTslugTOkg | Convert slug to kilogram |
NISTsqrCmTOsqrInch | Convert square centimeter to square inch |
NISTsqrFtPerHourTOsqrMeterPerSec | Convert square foot per hour to square meter per second |
NISTsqrFtPerSecTOsqrMeterPerSec | Convert square foot per second to square meter per second |
NISTsqrFtTOsqrMeter | Convert square foot to square meter |
NISTsqrInchTOsqrCm | Convert square inch to square centimeter |
NISTsqrInchTOsqrMeter | Convert square inch to square meter |
NISTsqrKmTOsqrMile | Convert square kilometer to square mile |
NISTsqrKmTOsqrMileUSsurvey | Convert square kilometer to square mile 7 |
NISTsqrMeterKPerWattTOclo | Convert square meter kelvin per watt to clo |
NISTsqrMeterKPerWattTOdegFHourSqrFtPerUkThUnIT | Convert square meter kelvin per watt to degree Fahrenheit... |
NISTsqrMeterKPerWattTOdegFHourSqrFtPerUkThUnth | Convert square meter kelvin per watt to degree Fahrenheit... |
NISTsqrMeterPerSecTOsqrFtPerHour | Convert square meter per second to square foot per hour |
NISTsqrMeterPerSecTOsqrFtPerSec | Convert square meter per second to square foot per second |
NISTsqrMeterTOacre | Convert square meter to acre 7 |
NISTsqrMeterTOare | Convert square meter to are |
NISTsqrMeterTObarn | Convert square meter to barn |
NISTsqrMeterTOcircularMil | Convert square meter to circular mil |
NISTsqrMeterTOhectare | Convert square meter to hectare |
NISTsqrMeterTOsqrFt | Convert square meter to square foot |
NISTsqrMeterTOsqrInch | Convert square meter to square inch |
NISTsqrMeterTOsqrMile | Convert square meter to square mile |
NISTsqrMeterTOsqrMileUSsurvey | Convert square meter to square mile 7 |
NISTsqrMeterTOsqrYard | Convert square meter to square yard |
NISTsqrMileTOsqrKm | Convert square mile to square kilometer |
NISTsqrMileTOsqrMeter | Convert square mile to square meter |
NISTsqrMileUSsurveyTOsqrKm | Convert square mile 7 to square kilometer |
NISTsqrMileUSsurveyTOsqrMeter | Convert square mile 7 to square meter |
NISTsqrMillimeterTOcircularMil | Convert square millimeter to circular mil |
NISTsqrYardTOsqrMeter | Convert square yard to square meter |
NISTstatampereTOampere | Convert statampere to ampere |
NISTstatcoulombTOcoulomb | Convert statcoulomb to coulomb |
NISTstatfaradTOfarad | Convert statfarad to farad |
NISTstathenryTOhenry | Convert stathenry to henry |
NISTstatmhoTOsiemens | Convert statmho to siemens |
NISTstatohmTOohm | Convert statohm to ohm |
NISTstatvoltTOvolt | Convert statvolt to volt |
NISTstereTOcubMeter | Convert stere to cubic meter |
NISTstilbTOcandelaPerSqrMeter | Convert stilb to candela per square meter |
NISTstokesTOmeterSqrdPerSec | Convert stokes to meter squared per second |
NISTtablespoonTOcubMeter | Convert tablespoon to cubic meter |
NISTtablespoonTOml | Convert tablespoon to milliliter |
NISTteaspoonTOcubMeter | Convert teaspoon to cubic meter |
NISTteaspoonTOml | Convert teaspoon to milliliter |
NISTteslaTOgamma | Convert tesla to gamma |
NISTteslaTOgauss | Convert tesla to gauss |
NISTtexTOkgPerMeter | Convert tex to kilogram per meter |
NISTthermECtOjoule | Convert therm 24 to joule |
NISTthermUStOjoule | Convert therm 24 to joule |
NISTtonAssayTOgram | Convert ton, assay to gram |
NISTtonAssayTOkg | Convert ton, assay to kilogram |
NISTtonForceTOkilonewton | Convert ton-force to kilonewton |
NISTtonForceTOnewton | Convert ton-force to newton |
NISTtonLongPerCubYardTOkgPerCubMeter | Convert ton, long, per cubic yard to kilogram per cubic meter |
NISTtonLongTOkg | Convert ton, long to kilogram |
NISTtonneTOkg | Convert tonne to kilogram |
NISTtonOfRefrigerationTOwatt | Convert ton of refrigeration to watt |
NISTtonOfTNTtOjoule | Convert ton of TNT 25 to joule |
NISTtonRegisterTOcubMeter | Convert ton, register to cubic meter |
NISTtonShortPerCubYardTOkgPerCubMeter | Convert ton, short, per cubic yard to kilogram per cubic... |
NISTtonShortPerHourTOkgPerSec | Convert ton, short, per hour to kilogram per second |
NISTtonShortTOkg | Convert ton, short to kilogram |
NISTtonSItOkg | Convert ton, metric to kilogram |
NISTtorrTOpascal | Convert torr to pascal |
NISTukThUn39FtOjoule | Convert British thermal unit to joule |
NISTukThUn59FtOjoule | Convert British thermal unit to joule |
NISTukThUn60FtOjoule | Convert British thermal unit to joule |
NISTukThUnITFtPerHourSqrFtDegFtOwattPerMeterK | Convert British thermal unitIT foot per hour square foot... |
NISTukThUnITInchPerHourSqrFtDegFtOwattPerMeterK | Convert British thermal unitIT inch per hour square foot... |
NISTukThUnITInchPerSecSqrFtDegFtOwattPerMeterK | Convert British thermal unitIT inch per second square foot... |
NISTukThUnITPerCubFtTOjoulePerCubMeter | Convert British thermal unitIT per cubic foot to joule per... |
NISTukThUnITPerDegFtOjoulePerK | Convert British thermal unitIT per degree Fahrenheit to joule... |
NISTukThUnITPerDegRankineTOjoulePerK | Convert British thermal unitIT per degree Rankine to joule... |
NISTukThUnITPerHourSqrFtDegFtOwattPerSqrMeterK | Convert British thermal unitIT per hour square foot degree... |
NISTukThUnITPerHourTOwatt | Convert British thermal unitIT per hour to watt |
NISTukThUnITPerPoundDegFtOjoulePerKgK | Convert British thermal unitIT per pound degree Fahrenheit to... |
NISTukThUnITPerPoundDegRankineTOjoulePerKgK | Convert British thermal unitIT per pound degree Rankine to... |
NISTukThUnITPerPoundTOjoulePerKg | Convert British thermal unitIT per pound to joule per... |
NISTukThUnITPerSecSqrFtDegFtOwattPerSqrMeterK | Convert British thermal unitIT per second square foot degree... |
NISTukThUnITPerSecTOwatt | Convert British thermal unitIT per second to watt |
NISTukThUnITPerSqrFtHourTOwattPerSqrMeter | Convert British thermal unitIT per square foot hour to watt... |
NISTukThUnITPerSqrFtSecTOwattPerSqrMeter | Convert British thermal unitIT per square foot second to watt... |
NISTukThUnITPerSqrFtTOjoulePerSqrMeter | Convert British thermal unitIT per square foot to joule per... |
NISTukThUnITtOjoule | Convert British thermal unitIT 9 to joule |
NISTukThUnthFtPerHourSqrFtDegFtOwattPerMeterK | Convert British thermal unitth foot per hour square foot... |
NISTukThUnthInchPerHourSqrFtDegFtOwattPerMeterK | Convert British thermal unitth inch per hour square foot... |
NISTukThUnthInchPerSecSqrFtDegFtOwattPerMeterK | Convert British thermal unitth inch per second square foot... |
NISTukThUnthPerCubFtTOjoulePerCubMeter | Convert British thermal unitth per cubic foot to joule per... |
NISTukThUnthPerDegFtOjoulePerK | Convert British thermal unitth per degree Fahrenheit to joule... |
NISTukThUnthPerDegRankineTOjoulePerK | Convert British thermal unitth per degree Rankine to joule... |
NISTukThUnthPerHourSqrFtDegFtOwattPerSqrMeterK | Convert British thermal unitth per hour square foot degree... |
NISTukThUnthPerHourTOwatt | Convert British thermal unitth per hour to watt |
NISTukThUnthPerMinTOwatt | Convert British thermal unitth per minute to watt |
NISTukThUnthPerPoundDegFtOjoulePerKgK | Convert British thermal unitth per pound degree Fahrenheit to... |
NISTukThUnthPerPoundDegRankineTOjoulePerKgK | Convert British thermal unitth per pound degree Rankine to... |
NISTukThUnthPerPoundTOjoulePerKg | Convert British thermal unitth per pound to joule per... |
NISTukThUnthPerSecSqrFtDegFtOwattPerSqrMeterK | Convert British thermal unitth per second square foot degree... |
NISTukThUnthPerSecTOwatt | Convert British thermal unitth per second to watt |
NISTukThUnthPerSqrFtHourTOwattPerSqrMeter | Convert British thermal unitth per square foot hour to watt... |
NISTukThUnthPerSqrFtMinTOwattPerSqrMeter | Convert British thermal unitth per square foot minute to watt... |
NISTukThUnthPerSqrFtSecTOwattPerSqrMeter | Convert British thermal unitth per square foot second to watt... |
NISTukThUnthPerSqrFtTOjoulePerSqrMeter | Convert British thermal unitth per square foot to joule per... |
NISTukThUnthPerSqrInchSecTOwattPerSqrMeter | Convert British thermal unitth per square inch second to watt... |
NISTukThUnthTOjoule | Convert British thermal unitth 9 to joule |
NISTukThUnTOjoule | Convert British thermal unit to joule |
NISTunPoleTOweber | Convert unit pole to weber |
NISTvoltTOabvolt | Convert volt to abvolt |
NISTvoltToEMUOfElectricPotential | Convert volt to EMU of electric potential |
NISTvoltToESUOfElectricPotential | Convert volt to ESU of electric potential |
NISTvoltTOstatvolt | Convert volt to statvolt |
NISTwattHourTOjoule | Convert watt hour to joule |
NISTwattPerMeterKtOcalthPerCmSecDegC | Convert watt per meter kelvin to calorieth per centimeter... |
NISTwattPerMeterKtOukThUnITFtPerHourSqrFtDegF | Convert watt per meter kelvin to British thermal unitIT foot... |
NISTwattPerMeterKtOukThUnITInchPerHourSqrFtDegF | Convert watt per meter kelvin to British thermal unitIT inch... |
NISTwattPerMeterKtOukThUnITInchPerSecSqrFtDegF | Convert watt per meter kelvin to British thermal unitIT inch... |
NISTwattPerMeterKtOukThUnthFtPerHourSqrFtDegF | Convert watt per meter kelvin to British thermal unitth foot... |
NISTwattPerMeterKtOukThUnthInchPerHourSqrFtDegF | Convert watt per meter kelvin to British thermal unitth inch... |
NISTwattPerMeterKtOukThUnthInchPerSecSqrFtDegF | Convert watt per meter kelvin to British thermal unitth inch... |
NISTwattPerSqrCmTOwattPerSqrMeter | Convert watt per square centimeter to watt per square meter |
NISTwattPerSqrInchTOwattPerSqrMeter | Convert watt per square inch to watt per square meter |
NISTwattPerSqrMeterKtOukThUnITPerHourSqrFtDegF | Convert watt per square meter kelvin to British thermal... |
NISTwattPerSqrMeterKtOukThUnITPerSecSqrFtDegF | Convert watt per square meter kelvin to British thermal... |
NISTwattPerSqrMeterKtOukThUnthPerHourSqrFtDegF | Convert watt per square meter kelvin to British thermal... |
NISTwattPerSqrMeterKtOukThUnthPerSecSqrFtDegF | Convert watt per square meter kelvin to British thermal... |
NISTwattPerSqrMeterTOcalthPerSqrCmMin | Convert watt per square meter to calorieth per square... |
NISTwattPerSqrMeterTOcalthPerSqrCmSec | Convert watt per square meter to calorieth per square... |
NISTwattPerSqrMeterTOergPerSqrCmSec | Convert watt per square meter to erg per square centimeter... |
NISTwattPerSqrMeterTOukThUnITPerSqrFtHour | Convert watt per square meter to British thermal unitIT per... |
NISTwattPerSqrMeterTOukThUnITPerSqrFtSec | Convert watt per square meter to British thermal unitIT per... |
NISTwattPerSqrMeterTOukThUnthPerSqrFtHour | Convert watt per square meter to British thermal unitth per... |
NISTwattPerSqrMeterTOukThUnthPerSqrFtMin | Convert watt per square meter to British thermal unitth per... |
NISTwattPerSqrMeterTOukThUnthPerSqrFtSec | Convert watt per square meter to British thermal unitth per... |
NISTwattPerSqrMeterTOukThUnthPerSqrInchSec | Convert watt per square meter to British thermal unitth per... |
NISTwattPerSqrMeterTOwattPerSqrCm | Convert watt per square meter to watt per square centimeter |
NISTwattPerSqrMeterTOwattPerSqrInch | Convert watt per square meter to watt per square inch |
NISTwattSecTOjoule | Convert watt second to joule |
NISTwattTOcalthPerMin | Convert watt to calorieth per minute |
NISTwattTOcalthPerSec | Convert watt to calorieth per second |
NISTwattTOergPerSec | Convert watt to erg per second |
NISTwattTOftPoundForcePerHour | Convert watt to foot pound-force per hour |
NISTwattTOftPoundForcePerMin | Convert watt to foot pound-force per minute |
NISTwattTOftPoundForcePerSec | Convert watt to foot pound-force per second |
NISTwattTOhorsepower | Convert watt to horsepower |
NISTwattTOhorsepowerBoiler | Convert watt to horsepower |
NISTwattTOhorsepowerElectric | Convert watt to horsepower |
NISTwattTOhorsepowerImperial | Convert watt to horsepower |
NISTwattTOhorsepowerSI | Convert watt to horsepower |
NISTwattTOhorsepowerWater | Convert watt to horsepower |
NISTwattTOkilocalthPerMin | Convert watt to kilocalorieth per minute |
NISTwattTOkilocalthPerSec | Convert watt to kilocalorieth per second |
NISTwattTOtonOfRefrigeration | Convert watt to ton of refrigeration |
NISTwattTOukThUnITPerHour | Convert watt to British thermal unitIT per hour |
NISTwattTOukThUnITPerSec | Convert watt to British thermal unitIT per second |
NISTwattTOukThUnthPerHour | Convert watt to British thermal unitth per hour |
NISTwattTOukThUnthPerMin | Convert watt to British thermal unitth per minute |
NISTwattTOukThUnthPerSec | Convert watt to British thermal unitth per second |
NISTweberTOmaxwell | Convert weber to maxwell |
NISTweberTOunPole | Convert weber to unit pole |
NISTyardTOmeter | Convert yard to meter |
NISTyearSiderealTOsec | Convert year to second |
NISTyearTOsec | Convert year to second |
NISTyearTropicalTOsec | Convert year to second |
ShortenLongNames | Shorten long names for physical constants |
ShortenTitles | Shorten titles for factor help files |
tableNIST2010 | Fundamental Physical Constants |
tableNISTfactors | Factors for Unit Conversion |
tableNISTnonSI | Fundamental Physical Constants non-SI |
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