heartfailure: Sciarretta et al. (2011)'s network meta-analysis data

heartfailureR Documentation

Sciarretta et al. (2011)'s network meta-analysis data


A network meta-analysis data from Sciarretta et al. (2011) that compared 7 antihypertensive drug classes and placebo for occurrence of heart failure.

  • study: Study ID

  • trial: Trial name

  • trt: Treatment (AB (Alpha blocker), ACE (ACE inhibitor), ARB, BB (Beta blocker), CCB (Calcium-channel blocker), CT (conventional treatments), Diuretic (DD), Placebo)

  • n: Sample size

  • d: Number of events (occurrence of heart failure)

  • pubyear: Publication year

  • SBP: Mean of baseline systolic blood pressure (mmHg)

  • DBP: Mean of diastolic systolic blood pressure (mmHg)




An arm-based dataset with 26 studies


Sciarretta, S., Palano, F., Tocci, G., Baldini, R., and Volpe, M. (2011). Antihypertensive treatment and development of heart failure in hypertension: a Bayesian network meta-analysis of studies in patients with hypertension and high cardiovascular risk. Archives of Internal Medicine 171: 384-394.

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