Man pages for NMMIPW
Inverse Probability Weighting under Non-Monotone Missing

link_funcThis function computes our link function that respects the...
link_func_gradThis function computes the gradient of our link function that...
link_func_grad_vecThis function vectorizes link_func_grad
link_func_vecThis function vectorizes link_func
nmm_fitFitting IPW or AIPW Estimators under Nonmonotone Missing at...
nmm_preprocessingThis function prepares the user-provided data into the...
prop_computeThis function computes propensities of entries being fully...
PSThis function prepares necessary list of information for...
regress_fitThis function returns the residuls after fiting a func...
summary.NMMIPWSummarizing IPW or AIPW Estimators under Nonmonotone Missing...
NMMIPW documentation built on Dec. 20, 2021, 5:07 p.m.