needles: Needleman-Wunsch simple global alignment algorithm

View source: R/needles.R

needlesR Documentation

Needleman-Wunsch simple global alignment algorithm


The Needleman-Wunsch simple gap algorithm was one of the first methods introduced for global alignment of biological sequences. The same algorithm can be used to match cell line names or sample names from two related data sets; we provide examples in the documentation, using data that accompanies this package.

While the NameNeedle package can be used for biological sequence alignment, the Biostrings package from Bioconductor contains much more sophisticated tools for that problem.


needles(pattern, subject, params=defaultNeedleParams)
needleScores(pattern, subjects, params=defaultNeedleParams)



character string to be matched


character string to be matched against


character vector where matches are sought


list containing four required components. The default values are specified by the object defaultNeedleParams, which contains the following values:

    $ MATCH   : num 1
    $ MISMATCH: num -1
    $ GAP     : num -1
    $ GAPCHAR : chr "*"


The Needleman-Wunsch global alignment algorithm was one of the first algorithms used to align DNA, RNA, or protein sequences. The basic algorithm uses dynamic programming to find an optimal alignment between two sequences, with parameters that specify penalties for mismatches and gaps and a reward for exact matches. More elaborate algorithms (not implemented here) make use of matrices with different penalties depending on different kinds of mismatches. The version implemented here is based on the Perl implementation in the first section of Chapter 3 of the book BLAST.


The needles function returns a list with five components:


The raw alignment score.


The final (optimal) alignment for the pattern.


The final (optimal) alignment for the subject.


The score matrix.


The backtrace matrix.

The needleScores function returns a numeric vector the same length as the subjects argument, with each entry equal to the corresponding raw alignment score.


Kevin R. Coombes, P. Roebuck


Needleman SB, Wunsch CD.
A general method applicable to the search for similarities in the amino acid sequence of two proteins.
J Mol Biol 1970, 48(3):443–453.

Korf I, Yandell M, Bedell J.
O'Reilly Media, 2003.

Wang J, Byers LA, Yordy JS, Liu W, Shen L, Baggerly KA, Giri U, Myers JN, Ang KK, Story MD, Girard L, Minna JD, Heymach JV, Coombes KR.
Blasted cell line names.
Cancer Inform. 2010; 9:251–5.

See Also

The Biostrings package from Bioconductor used to contain a function called needwunQS that provided a simple gap implementation of Needleman-Wunsch, similar to the one presented here. That function has been deprecated in favor of a more elaborate interface called pairwiseAlignment that incorporates a variety of other alignment methods in addition. While pairwiseAlignment is much more useful for applications to biological sequences, it is serious overkill for the application we have in mind for matching cell line or other sample names.


myParam <- defaultNeedleParams
myParam$MATCH <- 2
myParam$MISMATCH <- -2
needles(sf2Names[2], illuNames[1], myParam)
scores <- needleScores(sf2Names[6], illuNames, myParam)
w <- which(scores == max(scores))

needles(sf2Names[6], illuNames[w], myParam)

NameNeedle documentation built on Aug. 20, 2023, 1:08 a.m.