View source: R/wateravailability.R
calc_waterstressindex | R Documentation |
This function calculates the Water Stress Index (estimating the yield depression as a function of water deficiency or surplus)
calc_waterstressindex(B_HELP_WENR, B_LU_BRP, B_GWL_CLASS, WSI = "waterstress")
(character) The soil type abbreviation, derived from 1:50.000 soil map |
(numeric) The crop code (gewascode) from the BRP |
(character) The groundwater table class |
(character) The type of Water Stress Index is required. Options: droughtstress, wetnessstress and the (combined) waterstress |
The yield depression (in %) through wetness or drought stress (depending on the WSI selected). Numeric value.
STOWA (2005) Uitbreiding en Actualisering van de HELP-tabellen ten behoeve van het Waternood instrumentarium
calc_waterstressindex(B_HELP_WENR = 'ABkt',B_LU_BRP = 1019,B_GWL_CLASS = 'GtIV'
, WSI = 'droughtstress')
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