Man pages for OCNet
Optimal Channel Networks

aggregate_OCNAggregate an Optimal Channel Network
continue_OCNPerform OCN Search Algorithm on an Existing OCN
create_general_contour_OCNCreate an Optimal Channel Network on a general contour
create_OCNCreate an Optimal Channel Network
create_peanoCreate Peano network
draw_contour_OCNDraw Optimal Channel Network with catchment contours
draw_elev2D_OCNPlot 2D map of elevation generated by an OCN
draw_elev3D_OCNPlot 3D map of elevation generated by an OCN
draw_elev3Drgl_OCNPlot 3D map of elevation generated by an OCN via rgl...
draw_simple_OCNDraw an Optimal Channel Network
draw_subcatchments_OCNDraw subcatchment map from an Optimal Channel Network
draw_thematic_OCNDraw thematic map on an Optimal Channel Network
find_area_threshold_OCNFind relationship between number of nodes and threshold area...
flowDirExample of initial flow direction matrix to be used as input...
landscape_OCNGenerate 3D landscape from an Optimal Channel Network
OCN_20Example of small OCN
OCN_250_PBExample of single-outlet OCN with periodic boundaries
OCN_250_TExample of single-outlet OCN
OCN_300_4outExample of multiple-outlet OCN
OCN_300_4out_PB_hotExample of multiple-outlet OCN with periodic boundaries
OCN_4Example of small OCN
OCN_400_AlloutExample of OCN with all perimetric pixels as outlets
OCNet-packageCreate and analyze Optimal Channel Networks.
OCN_to_AEMConstruct asymmetric eigenvector maps (AEM) from an OCN
OCN_to_igraphTransform OCN into igraph object
OCN_to_SSNTransform OCN into SSN object (disabled)
paths_OCNCalculate paths between nodes in an Optimal Channel Network
plotPlot a river
river-classriver class
rivergeometry_OCNRiver geometry of an Optimal Channel Network
OCNet documentation built on May 29, 2024, 5:36 a.m.