Dataset_MHEALTH: Mobile Health.

Description Usage Format Details Value References

View source: R/Dataset_MHEALTH.R


The MHEALTH (Mobile Health) dataset benchmarks techniques for human behavior analysis based on multimodal body sensing.




A time series data with multi-classes and multi-features.

#Activities: 12

#Sensor devices: 3

#Subjects: 10

The activity set is listed in the following:

L1: Standing still (1 min)

L2: Sitting and relaxing (1 min)

L3: Lying down (1 min)

L4: Walking (1 min)

L5: Climbing stairs (1 min)

L6: Waist bends forward (20x)

L7: Frontal elevation of arms (20x)

L8: Knees bending (crouching) (20x)

L9: Cycling (1 min)

L10: Jogging (1 min)

L11: Running (1 min)

L12: Jump front & back (20x)

The meaning of each column is detailed next:

Column 1: acceleration from the chest sensor (X axis)

Column 2: acceleration from the chest sensor (Y axis)

Column 3: acceleration from the chest sensor (Z axis)

Column 4: electrocardiogram signal (lead 1)

Column 5: electrocardiogram signal (lead 2)

Column 6: acceleration from the left-ankle sensor (X axis)

Column 7: acceleration from the left-ankle sensor (Y axis)

Column 8: acceleration from the left-ankle sensor (Z axis)

Column 9: gyro from the left-ankle sensor (X axis)

Column 10: gyro from the left-ankle sensor (Y axis)

Column 11: gyro from the left-ankle sensor (Z axis)

Column 12: magnetometer from the left-ankle sensor (X axis)

Column 13: magnetometer from the left-ankle sensor (Y axis)

Column 14: magnetometer from the left-ankle sensor (Z axis)

Column 15: acceleration from the right-lower-arm sensor (X axis)

Column 16: acceleration from the right-lower-arm sensor (Y axis)

Column 17: acceleration from the right-lower-arm sensor (Z axis)

Column 18: gyro from the right-lower-arm sensor (X axis)

Column 19: gyro from the right-lower-arm sensor (Y axis)

Column 20: gyro from the right-lower-arm sensor (Z axis)

Column 21: magnetometer from the right-lower-arm sensor (X axis)

Column 22: magnetometer from the right-lower-arm sensor (Y axis)

Column 23: magnetometer from the right-lower-arm sensor (Z axis)

Column 24: Label (0 for the null class)

In this dataset, for a simple example displaying, only subject 1-5 and feature 12 (magnetometer from the left-ankle sensor (X axis)) are used, and the dataset is reformated to binary class. Class 11 is set as positive, others as negative. The time series sequences length uses 30. Each sequence occurs in one line.


Recordings of body motion for ten volunteers performing several physical activities. Sensors are placed on the subject's chest, right wrist and left ankle are used to measure the motion experienced by diverse body parts, namely, acceleration, rate of turn and magnetic field orientation. The sensor positioned on the chest also provides 2-lead ECG measurements, which can be potentially used for basic heart monitoring, checking for various arrhythmias or looking at the effects of exercise on the ECG.


mhealth: the dataset MHEALTH


Banos, O., Garcia, R., Holgado, J. A., Damas, M., Pomares, H., Rojas, I., Saez, A., Villalonga, C. mHealthDroid: a novel framework for agile development of mobile health applications. Proceedings of the 6th International Work-conference on Ambient Assisted Living an Active Ageing (IWAAL 2014), Belfast, Northern Ireland, December 2-5, (2014).

Banos, O., Villalonga, C., Garcia, R., Saez, A., Damas, M., Holgado, J. A., Lee, S., Pomares, H., Rojas, I. Design, implementation and validation of a novel open framework for agile development of mobile health applications. BioMedical Engineering OnLine, vol. 14, no. S2:S6, pp. 1-20 (2015).

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