ISMorrillK: A function to compute K-th order Morrill's segregation index

View source: R/SegFunctions.R

ISMorrillKR Documentation

A function to compute K-th order Morrill's segregation index


This function computes an adaptation of Morrill's segregation index which takes into account the interactions between spatial units defined by K-th ordered contiguity matrix. The index can be used in two ways: to provide a contiguity units defined by K order contiguity matrix. The function can be used in two matrix or a external geographic information source (spatial object or shape file).


ISMorrillK(x, ck = NULL, queen = FALSE, spatobj = NULL, folder = NULL, 
shape = NULL, K = 2, f = 'exp', beta = 1, prec = NULL)



- an object of class matrix (or which can be coerced to that class), where each column represents the distribution of a group within spatial units. The number of columns should be greaterTR than 1 (at least 2 groups are required). You should not include a column with total population, because this will be interpreted as a group.


- a list containing contiguity matrices coresponding to each order (from 1 to K)


- logical parameter defining criteria used for contiguity matrix computation, TRUE for queen, FALSE (by default) for rook


- a spatial object (SpatialPolygonsDataFrame) with geographic information


- a character vector with the folder (directory) name indicating where the shapefile is located on the driveis located.


- a character vector with the name of the shapefile (without the .shp extension).


- the order of the contiguity matrix


- the distance function, f = 'exp' (by default) for negative exponential function and f = 'rec' for reciprocal function


- distance decay parameter


- precision parameter. If not NULL, the function stop computing the spatial interaction when the impact on the indice is bellow 10 ^ (-prec)


a matrix with Generalized Morrill's dissimilarity index values


Morrill B. (1991) On the measure of geographic segregation. Geography research forum, 11, pp. 25-36.

See Also

One-group evenness indices: ISDuncan, Gini, Gorard, HTheil, Atkinson, 'ISWong, ISMorrill

Between groups dissimilarity indices: DIDuncan, Gini2, DIMorrill, DIMorrillK, DIWong


x <- segdata@data[ ,1:2]
foldername <- system.file('extdata', package = 'OasisR')
shapename <- 'segdata'

ISMorrillK(x, spatobj = segdata, queen = FALSE, K = 3)

ISMorrillK(x, folder = foldername, shape = shapename, K = 4, f = 'rec') 

OasisR documentation built on Aug. 30, 2023, 1:09 a.m.

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