Man pages for OptSig
Optimal Level of Significance for Regression and Other Statistical Tests

data1Data for the U.S. production function estimation
OptSig.2pOptimal significance level calculation for the test for two...
OptSig.2p2nOptimal significance level calculation for the test for two...
OptSig2-packageOptimal Level of Significance for Regression and Other...
OptSig.anovaOptimal significance level calculation for balanced one-way...
OptSig.BootOptimal Significance Level for the F-test using the bootstrap
OptSig.BootWeightWeighted Optimal Significance Level for the F-test based on...
OptSig.ChisqOptimal Significance Level for a Chi-square test
OptSig.FOptimal Significance Level for an F-test
Opt.sig.norm.testOptimal significance level calculation for the mean of a...
OptSig.pOptimal significance level calculation for proportion tests...
OptSig.rOptimal significance level calculation for correlation test
OptSig.t2nOptimal significance level calculation for two samples...
Opt.sig.t.testOptimal significance level calculation for t-tests of means...
OptSig.WeightWeighted Optimal Significance Level for the F-test based on...
Power.ChisqFunction to calculate the power of a Chi-square test
Power.FFunction to calculate the power of an F-test
R.OLSRestricted OLS estimation and F-test
OptSig documentation built on July 3, 2022, 5:05 p.m.