Man pages for OptimalDesign
A Toolbox for Computing Efficient Designs of Experiments

dirderVector of directional derivatives
effboundLower bound on efficiency
Fx_blocksMatrix of candidate regressors for a block size-two model
Fx_CtoATransformation of candidate regressors for regularized...
Fx_cubeMatrix of candidate regressors for a model on a cuboid grid
Fx_doseMatrix of candidate regressors for a dose-response model
Fx_glmMatrix of candidate regressors for a generalized linear model
Fx_ItoATransformation of candidate regressors for I-optimality
Fx_simplexMatrix of candidate regressors for a regression model on a...
Fx_survivalMatrix of candidate regressors for a survival model
infmatInformation matrix of a design
mvee_REXMinimum-volume enclosing ellipsoid
od_AQUAEfficient exact design using a quadratic approximation
od_DELRemoval of redundant design points
od_KLThe KL exchange algorithm for efficient exact designs
od_MISOCPOptimal exact design using mixed integer second-order cone...
od_PINEfficient saturated exact design
od_plotVisualization of a design
od_poolPool of a vector
od_printCompact information about a design
od_PUKEfficient rounding of an approximate design
od_RCEfficient exact design using the RC heuristic
od_REXOptimal approximate size-constrained design
od_SYMSymmetrization of an approximate design
optcritCriterion value of a design
OptimalDesign-internalInternal OptimalDesign Functions
varfunVector of variances
OptimalDesign documentation built on March 26, 2020, 9:35 p.m.