Man pages for Orcs
Omnidirectional R Code Snippets

assignSSHAssign SSH Key to Local Git Repository
buildBookBuild a Book without Underscores
bumpVersionBump Package 'Version:' and 'Date:' in DESCRIPTION File
compareDistributionsCompare Two Density Distributions Side by Side
coords2LinesConvert Points to SpatialLines*
coords2PolygonsConvert Points to SpatialPolygons*
evalMetricsCompute Selected Evaluation Metrics
ext2spyConvert Spatial Extent to Polygon
ifMissingTake Measures in Case of Nonexisting Target Files
latticeCombineGridCombine Multiple Lattice Plots in a Faceted Grid (Panels)
latticeCombineLayerCombine Multiple Lattice Plots Layerwise
lineEndingConvert Between DOS and UNIX Line Endings
list2dfCreate 'data.frame' from 'list'
loadFromGitInstall and Load a Package from GitHub
loadPkgsLoad Multiple Packages
meanDifferenceCalculate Mean Difference Between Two Datasets
merge-methodsMerge Objects Stored in a List
multiKnitConvert Multiple R Markdown Files to Ordinary Markdown
offsetGridTextInsert Offset Text Annotation into 'trellis' Plot
OrcsCppFunDimensions of a 'data.frame'
Orcs-packageOmnidirectional R Code Snippets.
par7zipParallelized 7-Zip Compression
pureBasenameReturn File Name without Extension
pvalueGet _p_-Value from 'lm' Object
rgb2spLayoutConvert an RGB Raster* to Use with 'spplot()'
rmDuplColsRemove Duplicated Columns from 'data.frame'
setwdOSSet Working Directory Dependent on Current OS
stextGrobDraw Shadow Text
substrCSubstrings of a Character Vector (C++ Style)
trimImagesRemove Whitespace from Images
unlistStrsplitUnlist the Outcome of 'strsplit()'
unsortedFactorFactor with Unsorted Levels
Orcs documentation built on Jan. 6, 2023, 5:14 p.m.