Man pages for OrdNor
Concurrent Generation of Ordinal and Normal Data with Given Correlation Matrix and Marginal Distributions

cmat.starComputes the correlation of intermediate multivariate normal...
genOrdNorGenerates a data set with ordinal and normal variables
IntermediateONComputes intermediate correlations for ordinal-normal pairs...
IntermediateOOComputes intermediate correlations for ordinal-ordinal pairs...
LimitforONFinds the feasible correlation range for a pair of ordinal...
LimitforOOFinds the feasible correlation range for a pair of ordinal...
ordinalizeOrdinalizes the standard normal variable
OrdNor-packageConcurrently generates ordinal and normal variables with a...
validate.plistChecks the validity of ordinal probabilities the target correlation matrix
valid.limitsComputes the lower and upper bounds of correlation in the...
OrdNor documentation built on March 6, 2021, 1:08 a.m.