Man pages for OrthoPanels
Dynamic Panel Models with Orthogonal Reparameterization of Fixed Effects

abond_panelUK Company Data Panel
BES_panelResponses from the 2010 British Election Study
caterplotCaterpillar Plots of 'opm' Model Parameters
caterplot_longRunCaterpillar Plots of long run effects based on 'opm' Model...
confint.opmCredible Intervals for Model Parameters
DICDeviance Information Criterion (DIC)
hist.opmHistogram of an 'opm' Object
longRunEffectsLong run effects based on the 'opm' Model Parameters
opmFitting orthogonal panel models
OrthoPanels-packageOrthoPanels: Orthogonalized Panel Model
plot.opmPlot Method for an 'opm' Object
p_rhoReturns the posterior density p(rho|Theta)
quantile.opmPosterior Sample Quantiles
OrthoPanels documentation built on June 9, 2022, 9:05 a.m.