Man pages for OsteoBioR
Temporal Estimation of Isotopic Values

computeResultFunction to compute resulting isotopic values out of historic...
estimateIntervalsFunction to estimate temporal changes in isotopic values
estimateTimePointFunction to estimate isotopic value for specific time...
exportExport of TemporalIso samples as csv
getShiftTimeCalculate time points of shifted isotopic values
getSiteStayTimesCalculate estimated stay times for locations given isotopic...
OsteoBioR-packageThe 'OsteoBioR' package.
plot-TemporalIso-missing-methodPlots for TemporalIso objects
plotTimePlot of credibility intervals for each time interval, plotted...
TemporalIso-classS4 class for temporal estimation of isotopic values
OsteoBioR documentation built on May 1, 2019, 10:18 p.m.