Defines functions PACVr.complete PACVr.generateIRGeneData

Documented in PACVr.complete

#contributors = c("Michael Gruenstaeudl","Nils Jenke")
#email = "m.gruenstaeudl@fu-berlin.de", "nilsj24@zedat.fu-berlin.de"
#version = "2020.07.29.1700"

PACVr.parseName <- function (gbkData) {
  # Parse sample name
    sample_name = genbankr::accession(gbkData)

PACVr.parseRegions <- function (gbkData) {
    raw_regions <- ExtractAllRegions(gbkData)
    regions <- fillDataFrame(gbkData,raw_regions)

PACVr.parseGenes <- function (gbkData) {
  # Parse GenBank file
    genes <- ExtractAllGenes(gbkData)

PACVr.calcCoverage <- function (bamFile, regions, windowSize=250) {
    coverage <- CovCalc(bamFile, windowSize)

PACVr.generateIRGeneData <- function(gbkData, genes, regions,
                                     syntenyLineType) {
  # Parse GenBank file
  if("IRb" %in% regions[,4] && "IRa" %in% regions[,4] && syntenyLineType < 3){
    checkIREquality(gbkData, regions)
    linkData <- GenerateIRSynteny(genes, syntenyLineType)

PACVr.visualizeWithRCircos <- function (gbkData, genes, regions,
                                        coverage, windowSize, logScale, 
                                        threshold, relative, linkData, 
                                        syntenyLineType, textSize) {

  # 1. Generate plot title
  plotTitle <- paste(genbankr::sources(gbkData)$organism,genbankr::accession(gbkData))
  # 2. Visualize
    visualizeWithRCircos(plotTitle, genes, regions, 
                         coverage, windowSize, threshold,
                         logScale, relative, linkData, 
                         syntenyLineType, textSize)

#' @title Execute the complete pipeline of \pkg{PACVr}
#' @description This function executes the complete pipeline of \pkg{PACVr} via a single command.
#' @param gbk.file a character vector that specifies the name of, and path to, the GenBank input file
#' @param bam.file a character vector that specifies the name of, and path to, the BAM input file
#' @param windowSize a numeric value that specifies window size in which the coverage is calculated
#' @param logScale a boolean that specifies if the coverage depth is to be log-transformed before visualizing it
#' @param threshold a numeric value that specifies the threshold for plotting coverage depth bars in red as opposed to the default black
#' @param syntenyLineType a numeric value of 1, 2 or 3 that specifies the line type for visualizing IR gene synteny; 1 = ribbon lines, 2 = solid lines, 3 = no line
#' @param relative a boolean that specifies whether the threshold is a relative value of the average coverage instead of an absolute value
#' @param textSize a numeric value that specifies the relative font size of the text element in the visualization
#' @param delete the decision to delete temporary files upon program execution
#' @param output a character vector that specifies the name of, and path to, the output file
#' @return A file in pdf format containing a circular visualization of the submitted plastid sample.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' gbkFile <- system.file("extdata", 
#'                        "NC_045072/NC_045072.gb", 
#'                        package="PACVr")
#' bamFile <- system.file("extdata", 
#'                        "NC_045072/NC_045072_PlastomeReadsOnly.sorted.bam", 
#'                        package="PACVr")
#' outFile <- paste(tempdir(), "/NC_045072__all_reads.pdf", sep="")
#' PACVr.complete(gbk.file=gbkFile, bam.file=bamFile, windowSize=250,
#'                threshold=0.5, syntenyLineType=1, relative=TRUE, textSize=0.5, 
#'                delete=TRUE, output=outFile
#'                }
PACVr.complete <- function(gbk.file, bam.file, windowSize = 250,
                           logScale = FALSE, threshold = 0.5, syntenyLineType = 1, 
                           relative = TRUE, textSize=0.5, delete = TRUE, 
                           output = NA) {
  # 1. Preparatory steps
  gbkData <- genbankr::readGenBank(gbk.file,verbose = FALSE)
  sample_name <- PACVr.parseName(gbkData)
  # 2. Conduct operations
  regions <- PACVr.parseRegions(gbkData)
  genes <- PACVr.parseGenes(gbkData)
  coverage <- PACVr.calcCoverage(bam.file, regions, windowSize)
  linkData <- PACVr.generateIRGeneData(gbkData, genes, regions,
  # 3. Save files
  if (!is.na(output)) {
    outDir <- dirname(output)
    tmpDir <- file.path(outDir, paste(sample_name, ".tmp", sep=""))
  } else {
    tmpDir <- file.path(".", paste(sample_name, ".tmp", sep=""))
  if (dir.exists(tmpDir) == FALSE) {
  if (relative == TRUE) {
    coverage$lowCoverage <- coverage$coverage < mean(coverage$coverage) * threshold
  } else { 
    coverage$lowCoverage <- coverage$coverage < mean(coverage$coverage) 
  coverage$lowCoverage[coverage$lowCoverage == TRUE] <- "*"
  coverage$lowCoverage[coverage$lowCoverage == FALSE] <- ""
            paste(tmpDir, .Platform$file.sep, tools::file_path_sans_ext(basename(bam.file)),"_coverage.regions.bed", sep=""), 
            row.names = FALSE, quote = FALSE)
  utils::write.csv(coverage[coverage$lowCoverage == "*",c("chromStart","chromEnd","coverage","lowCoverage")], 
            paste(tmpDir, .Platform$file.sep, sample_name, "_low_coverage.csv", sep=""), 
            row.names = FALSE, quote = FALSE)

  # 4. Save plot
  if (!is.na(output)) {
    grDevices::pdf(output, width=10, height = 10)
    PACVr.visualizeWithRCircos(gbkData, genes, regions, 
                               coverage, windowSize, threshold,
                               logScale, relative, linkData, 
                               syntenyLineType, textSize)
  } else {
  # 4. Generate visualization
    PACVr.visualizeWithRCircos(gbkData, genes, regions, 
                               coverage, windowSize, threshold,
                               logScale, relative, linkData,
                               syntenyLineType, textSize)

  # 5. Delete temp files
  if (isTRUE(delete)) {
    unlink(tmpDir,recursive = TRUE)

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PACVr documentation built on Nov. 23, 2020, 1:07 a.m.