Man pages for PAsso
Assessing the Partial Association Between Ordinal Variables

ANES2016The 2016 ANES Time Series Study with pre-election interview
autoplotResidual-based diagnostic plots
df1Simulated quadratic data
diagnostic.plotResidual-based diagnostic plots
dot-rtruncSimulate sample from truncated distribution
PAssoPartial association analysis between ordinal responses after...
plotA matrix of partial regression plots between responses after...
plot3D3-D P-P plot and false color level plot for the inspection of...
printPrint partial association matrix
residualsExtract Model Residuals
residualsAcatThis is a function to deal with the vglm object in S4.
residualsVGAMExtract Residuals from models of VGAM
summarySummary of partial association analysis
surrogateSurrogate response
testHypothesis testing of the partial association coefficients
PAsso documentation built on June 18, 2021, 5:09 p.m.