Ops.PCICt: Ops.PCICt

View source: R/PCICt.R

Ops.PCICtR Documentation



These functions implement subtraction, addition, indexing, and index assignment operations as in POSIXct.


A PCICt object with the given operations performed.


## Create a list of PCICt of length 2 with a 365-day calendar
x <- as.PCICt(c("1961-09-02", "1963-02-01"), cal="365_day")

## Look at the difference between the two elements of x
y <- x[1] - x[2]

## Change the first element of x
x[1] <- as.PCICt("1962-09-02", cal="365_day")

PCICt documentation built on Feb. 16, 2023, 7:43 p.m.

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