Man pages for PHSMM
Penalised Maximum Likelihood Estimation for Hidden Semi-Markov Models

bernBernoulli distribution
decodeHSMMState decoding
muskoxMuskox movement data
n2wHSMMParameter transformation from natural to working parameters
nll_RcppNegative log-likelihood evaluation
npllHSMMnegative penalised HSMM log-likelihood function
plotDwPlot of the estimated HSMM dwell-time distributions.
pmleHSMMHSMM penalised maximum likelihood estimation
pseudoResHSMMHSMM pseudo-residuals
tpmHMMTranistion probability matrix of the HMM representation
w2nHSMMParameter transformation from working to natural parameters
PHSMM documentation built on Feb. 9, 2021, 5:07 p.m.