Man pages for PLRModels
Statistical Inference in Partial Linear Regression Models

barnacles1Sales of barnacles in Cedeira
barnacles2Sales of barnacles in Cangas
best.arimaBest Arima model according some information criterion
EpanechnikovThe Epanechnikov kernel
gaussianThe gaussian kernel
np.ancovaNonparametric analysis of covariance
np.cvCross-validation bandwidth selection in nonparametric...
np.estNonparametric estimate of the regression function
np.gcvGeneralized cross-validation bandwidth selection in...
np.gofGoodness-of-Fit tests in nonparametric regression models
par.ancovaParametric analysis of covariance (based on linear models)
par.ciConfidence intervals estimation in linear regression models
par.estEstimation in linear regression models
par.gofGoodness-of-Fit tests in linear regression models
plrm.ancovaSemiparametric analysis of covariance (based on PLR models)
plrm.betaSemiparametric estimate for the parametric component of the...
plrm.ciConfidence intervals estimation in partial linear regression...
plrm.cvCross-validation bandwidth selection in PLR models
plrm.estSemiparametric estimates for the unknown components of the...
plrm.gcvGeneralized cross-validation bandwidth selection in PLR...
plrm.gofGoodness-of-Fit tests in PLR models
PLRModelsStatistical inference in partial linear regression models
quadraticThe quadratic kernel
symsolveSolution of a system of linear equations
triweightThe triweight kernel
uniformThe uniform kernel
var.cov.matrixEstimated variance-covariance matrix from time series
var.cov.sumEstimated sum of autocovariances from time series
PLRModels documentation built on Aug. 19, 2023, 5:10 p.m.