
knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)

```r sidebarPanel( checkboxInput("ex","Uncheck for using your own file",value = TRUE), fileInput("file", "Upload the *.csv file with headers"), checkboxInput("std","STANDARDIZE",value = FALSE), checkboxInput("rmo","REMOVE MISSING OBSERVATIONS",value = FALSE), checkboxInput("shu","SHUFFLE THE OBSERVATIONS",value = FALSE), downloadButton("downloaddata", "DOWNLOAD DATASET"), uiOutput("vx"), selectInput("sel","Select All/SelectNone",choices = c("all","none"),selected = "all")

) mainPanel( tabsetPanel(type = "tab", tabPanel("Summary", verbatimTextOutput("AD")), h6("", tags$img(src ="K.JPG", height= 400, width=400)) ) ) output$AD<-renderPrint({

if(input$ex == TRUE) {data("iris") data = iris} else { file1 = input$file if(is.null(file1)){return()}

 data =  read.table(file =  file1$datapath,sep =",",header = TRUE)
 ds = data
 if(input$rmo == TRUE)

   ds = ds[complete.cases(ds),]

  if(input$std == TRUE)
   ds = data.frame(standardize(ds))

 ds = select(ds,input$variablex)

 if(input$shu ==  TRUE)
   gp =runif(nrow(ds))
   ds =  ds[order(gp),]

cat(sprintf("\nSnapshot of the dataset\n"))

print(head(ds,6)) cat(sprintf("\nSummary of the dataset\n")) print (summary(ds)) })

datasetInput1 <- reactive({

if(input$ex == TRUE)
  data = iris}

file1 = input$file if(is.null(file1)){return()}

 data =  read.table(file =  file1$datapath,sep =",",header = TRUE)

 ds = data
 if(input$rmo == TRUE && input$std == TRUE)
   ds = ds[complete.cases(ds),]
   ds = data.frame(standardize(ds))

 else if(input$rmo == TRUE && input$std == FALSE)
   ds = ds[complete.cases(ds),]

 else if(input$rmo == FALSE && input$std == TRUE)

   ds = data.frame(standardize(ds))

 else if(input$rmo == FALSE && input$std == FALSE)
   ds = data


ds = select(ds,input$variablex)

if(input$shu ==  TRUE)
   gp =runif(nrow(ds))
   ds =  ds[order(gp),]


  ds = ds



output$downloaddata <- downloadHandler( filename = function() { filetitle = paste("dataset") paste(filetitle, ".csv", sep = "") }, content = function(file) {

  write.csv(datasetInput1(), file, row.names = FALSE)


output$vx <- renderUI({

if(input$ex == TRUE)
  data = iris}

file1 = input$file if(is.null(file1)){return()}

 data =  read.table(file =  file1$datapath,sep =",",header = TRUE)

if(input$sel == "all") 
{checkboxGroupInput("variablex","Select the variables",choices = colnames(data),selected = colnames(data) )}
 else {
   checkboxGroupInput("variablex","Select the variables",choices = colnames(data),selected = "")}


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Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

PREPShiny documentation built on May 2, 2019, 6:34 a.m.