Man pages for PROscorerTools
Tools to Score Patient-Reported Outcome (PRO) and Other Psychometric Measures

chk_nitemsChecks the number and values of items passed to custom...
get_dfItemsGet a data frame with only items from user input
makeFakeDataMake a data frame of fake item data
makeItemNamesQuickly create a vector of sequentially numbered item names
missTallyDetermine the number (or proportion) of missing (or...
processArgsArgument Processors for 'scoreScale' Function
rerangeChange the range of an item or score
revcodeReverse code an item or score.
scoreScaleFlexible function to score a single PRO or other psychometric...
PROscorerTools documentation built on Oct. 17, 2023, 9:06 a.m.