Man pages for PlotRegionHighlighter
Creates an envelope that surrounds a set of points plotted in a two dimensional space.

arcAngleThe counterclockwise arc of two points relative to a third
centersLineSegmentIntersectionsDetermine if a line intersects one or more line segments
createCircleA set of points defining a circle or an arc
drawArcCompute the points on an arc starting with the coordinates of...
envelopeArea_and_PerimeterCalculate the area and perimeter of the envelope
findExteriorTangentsDetermine the set of tangents to a pair of circles that do...
generateEnvelopeGenerate an minimum-perimeter envelope that surrounds a set...
PlotRegionHighlighter-packageCreates an envelope that surrounds a set of points plotted in...
tangentLineCompute the coefficients for the line tangent to two circles
PlotRegionHighlighter documentation built on May 2, 2019, 9:34 a.m.