Man pages for PolicyPortfolios
Tools for Managing, Measuring and Visualizing Policy Portfolios

burdenCalculate burden based on how different learning assumptions...
configurationsCalculate a configuration of instruments
consensusPolicy portfolios for the dataset of the CONSENSUS research...
consensus.instrumentsMeta-data on Instruments for the dataset of the CONSENSUS...
consensus.targetsMeta-data on Targets for the dataset of the CONSENSUS...
diversity_aidCalculate portfolio diversity (Average Instrument Diversity)
pass.idSubset a full dataset with only certain cases (Country /...
P.educationSimulated policy portfolio with fake data for the education...
P.energySimulated policy portfolio with fake data for the energy...
PolicyPortfoliosTools for managing, measuring and visualizing policy...
pp_arrayConvert a tidy dataset into a matrix of policy portfolios
pp_cleanTidy a dataset with a "long" policy portfolio structure
pp_completeComplete a policy portfolio
pp_measuresMeasures of interest of a policy portfolio
pp_plotPlot a policy portfolio
pp_reportProduce a report of policy portfolios
pp_similarityCalculate the similarity between different portfolios
PolicyPortfolios documentation built on March 18, 2022, 5:36 p.m.