
#' Example of the Input Required by the Reference Function
#' Contains data for calculating the \acronym{SPI} and \acronym{SPEI}.
#' @format A \code{data.frame} with 10958 rows and 11 variables.
#' \describe{
#' \item{YEAR}{Year}
#' \item{MM}{Month}
#' \item{DD}{Day}
#' \item{tavg}{Daily average air temperature at 2 metres above the ground
#'   (degrees C)}
#' \item{tmax}{Daily maximum air temperature at 2 metres above the ground
#'   (degrees C)}
#' \item{tmin}{Daily minimum air temperature at 2 metres above the ground
#'   (degrees C)}
#' \item{Ra}{Daily top of the atmosphere radiation (MJ/m^2/day)}
#' \item{Rs}{Daily global horizontal irradiance (MJ/m^2/day)}
#' \item{W}{Daily average wind speed at 2 metres above the ground (m/s)}
#' \item{RH}{Daily average relative humidity at 2 metres above the ground
#'   (in percentage)}
#' \item{Rain}{Daily rainfall amounts (mm)}
#' }
#' @source Agronomic Institute and \acronym{NASA} \acronym{POWER}.
#' @examples
#' data(refPM)

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