PowerfulMaxEigenpair: PowerfulMaxEigenpair: A package for computating the maximal...

Description PowerfulMaxEigenpair functions


The PowerfulMaxEigenpair package provides some auxillary functions and five categories of important functions: tridiag, thomas.tri.sol, powerful.maxeig.tri and powerful.seceig.tri.

PowerfulMaxEigenpair functions

tridiag: generate tridiagonal matrix Q based on three input vectors.

thomas.tri.sol: construct the solution of linear equation (-Q-zI)w=v.

powerful.maxeig.tri: calculate the maximal eigenpair for the tridiagonal matrix by Thomas algorithm.

powerful.seceig.tri: calculate next to the maximal eigenpair for the tridiagonal matrix by Thomas algorithm.

PowerfulMaxEigenpair documentation built on Jan. 7, 2020, 5:06 p.m.