wgeksaqi: Calculating the multilateral weighted WGEKS-AQI price index

View source: R/f_full_multilateral_indices.R

wgeksaqiR Documentation

Calculating the multilateral weighted WGEKS-AQI price index


This function returns a value of the multilateral weighted WGEKS-AQI price index (to be more precise: the weighted GEKS index based on the asynchronous quality adjusted price index formula).


wgeksaqi(data, start, end, wstart = start, window = 13)



The user's data frame with information about sold products. It must contain columns: time (as Date in format: year-month-day,e.g. '2020-12-01'), prices (as positive numeric), quantities (as positive numeric) and prodID (as numeric, factor or character).


The base period (as character) limited to the year and month, e.g. "2020-03".


The research period (as character) limited to the year and month, e.g. "2020-04".


The beginning of the time interval (which is used by multilateral methods) limited to the year and month, e.g. "2020-01".


The length of the time window (as positive integer: typically multilateral methods are based on the 13-month time window).


This function returns a value of the multilateral weighted WGEKS-AQI price index (to be more precise: the weighted GEKS index based on the asynchronous quality adjusted price index formula) which considers the time window defined by wstart and window parameters. It measures the price dynamics by comparing period end to period start (both start and end must be inside the considered time window). To get information about both price index values and corresponding dates, please see functions: price_indices or final_index. The function does not take into account aggregating over outlets or product subgroups (to consider these types of aggregating, please use the final_index function).


Gini, C. (1931). On the Circular Test of Index Numbers. Metron 9:9, 3-24.

Elteto, O., and Koves, P. (1964). On a Problem of Index Number Computation Relating to International Comparisons. Statisztikai Szemle 42, 507-518.

Szulc, B. (1983). Linking Price Index Numbers. In: Price Level Measurement, W. E. Diewert and C. Montmarquette (eds.), 537-566.

Białek, J. (2022). The general class of multilateral indices and its two special cases. Paper presented at the 17th Meeting of the Ottawa Group on Price Indices, Rome, Italy.

Białek, J. (2023). Quality adjusted GEKS-type indices for price comparisons based on scanner data. Statistics in Transition – new series, 24(3), 151-169.


wgeksaqi(milk, start="2019-01", end="2019-08",window=10)
wgeksaqi(milk, start="2018-12", end="2019-12")

PriceIndices documentation built on Oct. 10, 2024, 1:07 a.m.