Man pages for PsumtSim
Simulations of grouped responses relative to baseline.

calcNumRejectsCalculate number of cases rejected for repeated simulation of...
catEffectBootAdaptorAdaptor for testing category effects in simulations using the...
compExclusionFractionCompute fraction of cells with category selective response...
compPowerCatSelectivityCompute number of simulated neurons with a significant effect...
compPowerGeneralRespDetectionCompute power to detect differences from background where all...
compPowerRespDetectionCompute power to detect differences from background where...
compRejectionFractionCompute rejection fraction for sequential tests.
PsumtSim-packageSimulations of grouped responses relative to baseline.
simCatRespSimulates Poisson distributed responses to stimuli.
simNormCatRespSimulates normally distributed responses to stimuli.
testCatEffectBootTest for an effect of category using bootstrapping.
PsumtSim documentation built on May 1, 2019, 8:03 p.m.