An R package for stochastic differential equation quasi-potential analysis

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Christopher M. Moore, Christopher R. Stieha, Ben C. Nolting, Maria K. Cameron, and Karen C. Abbott

QPot offers a range of tools to simulate, analyze, and visualize the dynamics of two-dimensional systems of stochastic differential equations. QPot offers tools to compute the quasi-potential, which is useful when comparing the relative stabilities of equilibria in systems with multiple stable equilibria.


M. K. Cameron. 2012. Finding the quasipotential for nongradient SDEs. Physica D, 241(18):1532–1550.

Moore, C.M., Stieha, C.R., Nolting, B.C., Cameron, M.K., and Abbott, K.C. Resubmitted to The R Journal. QPot: An R package for stochastic differential equation quasi-potential analysis

B. C. Nolting and K. C. Abbott. 2016. Balls, cups, and quasi-potentials: quantifying stability in stochastic systems. Ecology, 97(4):850-864.


Notation for mathematical equations

The library expression_parser ( is used under the GPLv2 for non-commerical use.

Reads strings of mathematical expression in infix notation. standard arithmetic operations (+,-,,/) with operator precedence exponentiation ^ and nested exponentiation unary + and - expressions enclosed in parentheses ('(',')'), optionally nested built-in math functions: pow(x,y), sqrt(x), log(x), exp(x), sin(x), asin(x), cos(x), acos(x), tan(x), atan(x), atan2(y,x), abs(x), fabs(x), floor(x), ceil(x), round(x), with input arguments checked for domain validity, e.g. 'sqrt( -1.0 )' returns an error.



This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation version 2 of the License.

Example 1 from article submitted to R Journal

With the equations and parameters, there are two stable equilibria. This example simulates the time series (0.2.2 Time series), computes the local quasi-potential around the two equilibria (0.3 Compute the local quasi-potentials) and combines the two local quasi-potential to make the global quasi-potential (0.4 global quasi-potential). These results can be viewed using a variety of functions (section 0.6 to 0.7).

0.2 Initialization


var.eqn.x <- "(alpha*x)*(1-(x/beta)) - ((delta*(x^2)*y)/(kappa+(x^2)))"
var.eqn.y <- "((gamma*(x^2)*y)/(kappa+(x^2))) - mu*(y^2)"
model.parms <- c(alpha = 1.54, beta = 10.14, delta = 1, gamma = 0.476, 
    kappa = 1, mu = 0.112509)
parms.eqn.x <- Model2String(var.eqn.x, parms = model.parms)
parms.eqn.y <- Model2String(var.eqn.y, parms = model.parms, 
    supress.print = TRUE) # does not print to screen
model.state <- c(x = 1, y = 2)
model.sigma <- 0.05
model.time <- 1000 # we used 12500 in the figures
model.deltat <- 0.025

0.2.2 Time series

ts.ex1 <- TSTraj(y0 = model.state, time = model.time, deltat = model.deltat, 
     x.rhs = parms.eqn.x, y.rhs = parms.eqn.y, sigma = model.sigma)

# Could also use TSTraj to combine equation strings and parameter values
#ts.ex1 <- TSTraj(y0 = model.state, time = model.time, deltat = model.deltat, 
#     x.rhs = var.eqn.x, y.rhs = var.eqn.y, parms = model.parms, sigma = model.sigma)

0.2.3 Time series plots

TSPlot(ts.ex1, deltat = model.deltat)
TSPlot(ts.ex1, deltat = model.deltat, dim = 2)
TSDensity(ts.ex1, dim = 1)
TSDensity(ts.ex1, dim = 2)

0.3 Compute the local quasi-potentials

parms.eqn.x <- Model2String(var.eqn.x, parms = model.parms)
   # if not done in a previous step
parms.eqn.x <- Model2String(var.eqn.y, parms = model.parms, 
   supress.print = TRUE) # does not print to screen

# Could also input the values by hand and use this version
# parms.eqn.x = "1.54*x*(1.0-(x/10.14)) - (y*(x^2))/(1.0+(x^2))"
# parms.eqn.x = "((0.476*(x^2)*y)/(1+(x^2))) - 0.112509*(y^2)"

bounds.x = c(-0.5, 20.0)
bounds.y = c(-0.5, 20.0)
step.number.x = 4100
step.number.y = 4100

eq1.x = 1.40491
eq1.y = 2.80808
eq2.x = 4.9040
eq2.y = 4.06187

eq1.local <- QPotential(x.rhs = equation.x, x.start = eq1.x, x.bound = bounds.x, 
                x.num.steps = step.number.x, y.rhs = equation.y, y.start = eq1.y, 
                y.bound = bounds.y, y.num.steps = step.number.y)

eq2.local <- QPotential(x.rhs = equation.x, x.start = eq2.x, x.bound = bounds.x, 
                x.num.steps = step.number.x, y.rhs = equation.y, y.start = eq2.y, 
                y.bound = bounds.y, y.num.steps = step.number.y)

0.4 Global quasi-potential <- QPGlobal(local.surfaces = list(eq1.local, eq2.local), 
                        unstable.eq.x = c(0, 4.2008), unstable.eq.y = c(0, 4.0039), 
                        x.bound = bounds.x, y.bound = bounds.y)

0.5 Quasi-potential visualization

QPContour(surface =, dens = c(1000, 1000), 
            x.bound = bounds.x, y.bound = bounds.y, c.parm = 5)

0.6 Vector field decomposition

VDAll <- VecDecomAll(surface =, x.rhs = parms.eqn.x, 
                    y.rhs = parms.eqn.y, x.bound = bounds.x, y.bound = bounds.y)

VecDecomPlot(x.field = VDAll[,,1], y.field = VDAll[,,2], dens = c(25, 25), 
            x.bound = bounds.x, y.bound = bounds.y, xlim = c(0, 11), 
            ylim = c(0, 6), arrow.type = "equal", tail.length = 0.25, 
            head.length = 0.025)

VecDecomPlot(x.field = VDAll[,,3], y.field = VDAll[,,4], dens = c(25, 25), 
            x.bound = bounds.x, y.bound = bounds.y, arrow.type = "proportional", 
            tail.length = 0.25, head.length = 0.025)

VecDecomPlot(x.field = VDAll[,,5], y.field = VDAll[,,6], dens = c(25, 25), 
            x.bound = bounds.x, y.bound = bounds.y, arrow.type = "proportional", 
            tail.length = 0.35, head.length = 0.025)

0.6.1 vector field

VDV <- VecDecomVec(x.num.steps = step.number.x, y.num.steps = step.number.y, 
                    x.rhs = equation.x, y.rhs = equation.y, x.bound = bounds.x, 
                    y.bound = bounds.y)

VecDecomPlot(field = list(VDV[,,1], VDV[,,2]), dens = c(50, 50), 
                x.bound = bounds.x, y.bound=bounds.y, xlim = c(0, 11), 
                ylim=c(0, 6), arrow.type="proportional", 
                tail.length=0.75, head.length=0.03)

0.6.2 gradient field

VDG <- VecDecomGrad(

VecDecomPlot(field = list(VDG[,,1], VDG[,,2]), dens=c(50, 50), 
                x.bound=bounds.x, y.bound = bounds.y, arrow.type = "proportional", 
                head.length = 0.03, tail.length = 0.5)

0.6.3 remainder field

VDR <- VecDecomRem(surface =, x.rhs = equation.x, y.rhs = equation.y, 
                    x.bound = bounds.x, y.bound = bounds.y)

0.7 3D graphs


dens.sub <- c(4000,4000)

global.sub <-[round(seq(1,nrow(,length.out=dens.sub[1])),

persp3d(x = global.sub, col = "orange", expand = 1.1, xlim = c(0.05, 0.35), 
        ylim = c(0.1, 0.3), zlim = c(0, 0.01), xlab = "X", ylab = "Y", 
        zlab = intToUtf8(0x03A6))

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QPot documentation built on May 2, 2019, 2:34 p.m.