Man pages for QWDAP
Quantum Walk-Based Data Analysis and Prediction

qwdap.pcrPrinciple Component Regression
qwdap.plsrPartial Least Squares Regression
qwdap.pprProjection Pursuit Regression
qwdap.qwalkQuantum Walk
qwdap.swrModel by Stepwise Regression
qwdap.swsMode Selection by Stepwise Regression
qwdap.varVector Autoregressive Model
trafficflowHighway traffic flow data
traffic.model.n1The estabulished model by Stepwise Regression of the 'N1'...
traffic.n1Data of the 'N1' station
traffic.qwA set of modes generated by quantum walk
QWDAP documentation built on May 29, 2024, 2:01 a.m.