write.TUDD: Write in a csv file the results of the time until definitive...

Description Usage Arguments Value Author(s) See Also

View source: R/write.TUDD.R


A program that computes the time until definitive deterioration in a quality of life score and print the results in a csv file according treatment arm


write.TUDD(X, score = "", order = 1, ref.init = "baseline", MCID, ref.def = "def1",
death = NA, group = NULL, names.group, sensitivity = TRUE, file = "")



input data matrix or data frame with a quality of life score. Missing values are inserted as NA


vector with the name of the quality of life scores of interest


a vector equals to 1 if the deterioration corresponds to a decrease of the score, 2 otherwise


the reference score to qualify the deterioration. By default, ref.init is "baseline", i.e. the reference score is the baseline score. If ref.init is "best", the best previous quality of life score is the reference score. If ref.init is "previous", the last previous score is the reference score.


vector equals to the minimal clinically important difference (MCID). Several MCIDs can be specified


the deterioration is definitive 1: if there is no clinically significant improvement as compared to the reference score ("def1"); 2: if the deterioration is also observed at all times following the deterioration ("def1"); 3: or there is no clinically significant improvement as compared to the score qualifying the deterioration ("def3")


missing if patients who died without experienced a deterioration are censored at the time of the last QoL score, equals to the name of the death date in the dataframe X otherwise


the name of the variable in X corresponding to the treatment arm. Only two groups are allowed.


the name of each treatment group to print


Boolean equals to TRUE by default. If sensitivity is TRUE, then all sensitivity analyses are performed, integrating patients with no baseline or with no follow up as event, death as event and simultaneously no baseline, no follow and death


the name of the csv file to create with the results of the time to deterioration analysis


this function does not return value in R console but create a csv file with the results of the time to deterioration analysis


Amelie ANOTA

Maintainer: Amelie ANOTA <aanota@chu-besancon.fr>

See Also


QoLR documentation built on May 29, 2017, 4:08 p.m.