QuantileGH 0.1.7

Release for R 4.4.0

QuantileGH 0.1.5

Bug fix.

QuantileGH 0.1.4

Bug fix.

QuantileGH 0.1.3

Hybrid starting values using \code{?fmx_cluster}, \code{?fmx_normix} and \code{?fmx_hybrid}.

Default of parameter and/or number of components selection is now 'forward', instead of 'backward'.

QuantileGH 0.1.2

New starting values provided in \code{?QLMDinit}.

QuantileGH 0.1.1

Update on documentations.

Fix the errors on

QuantileGH 0.1.0

First release.

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QuantileGH documentation built on May 29, 2024, 12:14 p.m.