Man pages for R.matlab
Read and Write MAT Files and Call MATLAB from Within R

1._The_MATLAB_server_running_in_MATLAB1. The MATLAB server running in MATLAB
as.character.MatlabGets a string describing the current MATLAB connection
close.MatlabCloses connection to MATLAB server
evaluate.MatlabEvaluates a MATLAB expression
finalize.Matlab(internal) Finalizes the object if deleted
getOption.MatlabGets the value of an option
getVariable.MatlabGets one or several MATLAB variables
isOpen.MatlabChecks if connection to the MATLAB server is open
MatlabMATLAB client for remote or local MATLAB access
Non-documented_objectsNon-documented objects
open.MatlabTries to open a connection to the MATLAB server
readMatReads a MAT file structure from a connection or a file
readResult.Matlab(internal) Reads results from the MATLAB server
R.matlab-packagePackage R.matlab
setFunction.MatlabDefines a MATLAB function
setOption.MatlabSets the value of an option
setVariable.MatlabSets one or several MATLAB variables
setVerbose.MatlabSets the verbose level to get more details about the MATLAB...
startServer.MatlabStatic method which starts a MATLAB server
writeCommand.Matlab(internal) Writes (sends) an R-to-MATLAB command to the...
writeMatWrites a MAT file structure
R.matlab documentation built on Aug. 26, 2022, 1:07 a.m.