setVerbose.Matlab: Sets the verbose level to get more details about the MATLAB...

setVerbose.MatlabR Documentation

Sets the verbose level to get more details about the MATLAB access


Sets the verbose level to get more details about the MATLAB access.


## S3 method for class 'Matlab'
setVerbose(this, threshold=0, ...)



A threshold that the level argument of any write method has to be equal to or larger than in order to the message being written. Thus, the lower the threshold is the more and more details will be outputted. If a large numeric or FALSE, no verbose output will be given.


Not used.


If the threshold is set to zero (default) general comments about the MATLAB access is given, such as the MATLAB server is started etc. If the threshold is -1, details about the communication with the MATLAB server is given. If the threshold is -2, low-level details about the communication with the MATLAB server is given, such as what commands are sent etc.


Returns the previous threshold value (an integer) used.


Henrik Bengtsson

See Also

For more information see Matlab.

R.matlab documentation built on Aug. 26, 2022, 1:07 a.m.