
Defines functions aqs_quarterlysummary_by_site aqs_qa_annualperformanceevaltransaction_by_site aqs_qa_annualpeferomanceeval_by_site aqs_transactionsample_by_site aqs_qa_flowrateverification_by_site aqs_qa_collocated_assessments_by_site aqs_dailysummary_by_site aqs_qa_blanks_by_site aqs_annualsummary_by_site aqs_sampledata_by_site aqs_qa_pep_audit_by_site aqs_qa_one_point_qc_by_site aqs_qa_flowrateaudit_by_site aqs_monitors_by_site

Documented in aqs_annualsummary_by_site aqs_dailysummary_by_site aqs_monitors_by_site aqs_qa_annualpeferomanceeval_by_site aqs_qa_annualperformanceevaltransaction_by_site aqs_qa_blanks_by_site aqs_qa_collocated_assessments_by_site aqs_qa_flowrateaudit_by_site aqs_qa_flowrateverification_by_site aqs_qa_one_point_qc_by_site aqs_qa_pep_audit_by_site aqs_quarterlysummary_by_site aqs_sampledata_by_site aqs_transactionsample_by_site

#' @section by_site aggregate functions

#' @title aqs_monitors_by_site
#' @description \lifecycle{stable}
#'  Returns a table of monitors and related metadata at sites with the
#'    provided parameter, stateFIPS, county_code, and sitenum for
#'    bdate - edate time frame.
#' @note all monitors that operated between the bdate and edate will be returned
#' @family Aggregate _by_site functions
#' @inheritParams aqs_services_by_site
#' @importFrom magrittr `%<>%`
#' @importFrom tibble tibble
#' @importFrom dplyr select_if
#' @importFrom purrr pmap
#' @param return_header If FALSE (default) only returns data requested.
#'                        If TRUE returns a AQSAPI_v2 object which is a two
#'                        item list that contains header information returned
#'                        from the API server mostly used for debugging
#'                        purposes in addition to the data requested.
#' @return a tibble or an AQS_Data Mart_APIv2 S3 object of monitors from a
#'           selected stateFIPS, county, and sitenum combination.
#' @examples
#'  #Returns a tibble of the SO2 monitors at Hawaii
#'  #  Volcanoes NP site (\#0007) in Hawaii County, HI that were operating on
#'  #  May 1 , 2015. (Note, all monitors that operated between the bdate and
#'  #  edate will be returned)
#'  \dontrun{
#'            aqs_monitors_by_site(parameter = "42401",
#'                                   bdate = as.Date("20150501",
#'                                                      format="%Y%m%d"),
#'                                   edate = as.Date("20150502",
#'                                                      format="%Y%m%d"),
#'                                   stateFIPS = "15",
#'                                   countycode = "001",
#'                                   sitenum = "0007"
#'                                  )
#'          }
#' @export
aqs_monitors_by_site <- function(parameter, bdate, edate, stateFIPS,
                                 countycode, sitenum,
                                 cbdate = NA_Date_,
                                 cedate = NA_Date_,
                                 return_header = FALSE)
  checkaqsparams(parameter, bdate, edate, stateFIPS, countycode, cbdate, cedate,
  # aqs_monitors_by_* functions don't call aqsmultiyearparams() since the
  #  monitors API call accepts multiple years of data on the server, purrr::pmap
  #  is used so that the output is consistent with other RAQSAPI functions.
  params <- tibble(parameter = parameter,
                   bdate = bdate,
                   edate = edate,
                   stateFIPS = stateFIPS,
                   countycode = countycode,
                   service = "monitors",
                   sitenum = sitenum,
                   cbdate = cbdate,
                   cedate = cedate) %>%
     dplyr::select_if(function(x) {!all(is.na(x))})

  monitors <- purrr::pmap(.l = params, .f = aqs_services_by_site)
  if (!return_header) monitors %<>% aqs_removeheader

#' @title aqs_qa_flowrate audit_by_site
#' @description \lifecycle{stable}
#'                Returns a table containing flow rate audit
#'                data aggregated by parameter code, stateFIPS, countycode and
#'                site number for bdate - edate time frame.
#' @inheritParams aqs_services_by_site
#' @importFrom magrittr `%<>%`
#' @note The AQS API only allows for a single year of flow rate audit data to
#'         be retrieved at a time. This function conveniently extracts date
#'         information from the bdate and edate parameters then makes repeated
#'         calls to the AQSAPI retrieving a maximum of one calendar year of data
#'         at a time. Each calendar year of data requires a separate API call so
#'         multiple years of data will require multiple API calls. As the number
#'         of years of data being requested increases so does the length of time
#'         that it will take to retrieve results. There is also a 5 second wait
#'         time inserted between successive API calls to prevent overloading the
#'         API server. This operation has a linear run time of
#'         /(Big O notation: O/(n + 5 seconds/)/).
#' @family Aggregate _by_site functions
#' @param return_header If FALSE (default) only returns data requested.
#'                        If TRUE returns a AQSAPI_v2 object which is a two
#'                        item list that contains header information returned
#'                        from the API server mostly used for debugging
#'                        purposes in addition to the data requested.
#' @return a tibble or an AQS_Data Mart_APIv2 S3 object containing flow rate
#'           audit data for the requested sitenum, countycode and stateFIPS. An
#'           AQS_Data_Mart_APIv2 object is a 2 item named list in which the
#'           first item (\$Header) is a tibble of header information from the
#'           AQS API and the second item (\$Data) is a tibble of the data
#'           returned.
#' @examples # returns a tibble of flow rate audit data
#'           #  for the Wylam site (#2003) in Jefferson County, AL
#'           #  for January 2018:
#'  \dontrun{aqs_qa_flowrateaudit_by_site(parameter = "88101",
#'                                                  bdate = as.Date("20150101",
#'                                                             format="%Y%m%d"),
#'                                                  edate = as.Date("20180131",
#'                                                             format="%Y%m%d"),
#'                                                  stateFIPS = "01",
#'                                                  countycode = "073",
#'                                                  sitenum = "2003"
#'                                                  )
#'            }
#' @export
aqs_qa_flowrateaudit_by_site <- function(parameter, bdate, edate,
                                         stateFIPS, countycode,
                                         cbdate = NA_Date_,
                                         cedate = NA_Date_,
                                         return_header = FALSE
  checkaqsparams(parameter, bdate, edate, stateFIPS, countycode, sitenum,
                 cbdate, cedate)

  params <- aqsmultiyearparams(parameter = parameter,
                               bdate = bdate,
                               edate = edate,
                               stateFIPS = stateFIPS,
                               countycode = countycode,
                               sitenum = sitenum,
                               service = "qaFlowRateAudits",
                               cbdate = cbdate,
                               cedate = cedate

  fra <- purrr::pmap(.l = params, .f = aqs_services_by_site)
  if (!return_header) fra %<>% aqs_removeheader

#' @title aqs_qa_one_point_qc_by_site
#' @description \lifecycle{stable}
#'                Returns a table of one point QC raw data
#'                aggregated by parameter code, stateFIPS, countycode and
#'                site number.
#' @note The AQS API only allows for a single year of one point qc data to
#'         be retrieved at a time. This function conveniently extracts date
#'         information from the bdate and edate parameters then makes repeated
#'         calls to the AQSAPI retrieving a maximum of one calendar year of data
#'         at a time. Each calendar year of data requires a separate API call so
#'         multiple years of data will require multiple API calls. As the number
#'         of years of data being requested increases so does the length of time
#'         that it will take to retrieve results. There is also a 5 second wait
#'         time inserted between successive API calls to prevent overloading the
#'         API server. This operation has a linear run time of
#'         /(Big O notation: O/(n + 5 seconds/)/).
#' @family Aggregate _by_site functions
#' @inheritParams aqs_services_by_site
#' @importFrom magrittr `%<>%`
#' @param return_header If FALSE (default) only returns data requested.
#'                        If TRUE returns a AQSAPI_v2 object which is a two
#'                        item list that contains header information returned
#'                        from the API server mostly used for debugging
#'                        purposes in addition to the data requested.
#' @return a tibble or an AQS_Data Mart_APIv2 S3 object containing one point
#'            qc data for the requested site. A AQS_Data_Mart_APIv2 object is a
#'            2 item named list in which the first item (\$Header) is a tibble
#'            of header information from the AQS API and the second item
#'            (\$Data) is a tibble of the data returned.
#' @examples # returns a tibbble of One Point QC data for
#'           #  ozone at the Truro National Seashore site (\#0002) in
#'           #  Barnstable County, MA for January 2018:
#'  \dontrun{aqs_qa_one_point_qc_by_site(parameter = "44201",
#'                                     bdate = as.Date("20180101",
#'                                                    format = "%Y%m%d"),
#'                                     edate = as.Date("20180131",
#'                                                    format = "%Y%m%d"),
#'                                     stateFIPS = "25",
#'                                     countycode = "001",
#'                                     sitenum = "0002"
#'                                     )
#'          }
#' @export
aqs_qa_one_point_qc_by_site <- function(parameter, bdate, edate,
                                        stateFIPS, countycode,
                                        sitenum, cbdate = NA_Date_,
                                        cedate = NA_Date_,
                                        return_header = FALSE
  checkaqsparams(parameter, bdate, edate, stateFIPS, countycode, sitenum,
                 cbdate, cedate, return_header)

  params <- aqsmultiyearparams(parameter = parameter,
                               bdate = bdate,
                               edate = edate,
                               stateFIPS = stateFIPS,
                               countycode = countycode,
                               sitenum = sitenum,
                               service = "qaOnePointQcRawData",
                               cbdate = cbdate,
                               cedate = cedate

  opqcc <- purrr::pmap(.l = params, .f = aqs_services_by_site)
  if (!return_header) opqcc %<>% aqs_removeheader

#' @title aqs_qa_pep_audit_by_site
#' @description \lifecycle{stable}
#'                Returns a table of Performance Evaluation Program (PEP) audit
#'                data aggregated by parameter code, stateFIPS, countycode and
#'                site number for the time frame between bdate and edate.
#' @note The AQS API only allows for a single year of one point pep audit data
#'         to be retrieved at a time. This function conveniently extracts date
#'         information from the bdate and edate parameters then makes repeated
#'         calls to the AQSAPI retrieving a maximum of one calendar year of data
#'         at a time. Each calendar year of data requires a separate API call so
#'         multiple years of data will require multiple API calls. As the number
#'         of years of data being requested increases so does the length of time
#'         that it will take to retrieve results. There is also a 5 second wait
#'         time inserted between successive API calls to prevent overloading the
#'         API server. This operation has a linear run time of
#'         /(Big O notation: O/(n + 5 seconds/)/).
#' @family Aggregate _by_site functions
#' @inheritParams aqs_services_by_site
#' @importFrom magrittr `%<>%`
#' @param return_header If FALSE (default) only returns data requested.
#'                        If TRUE returns a AQSAPI_v2 object which is a two
#'                        item list that contains header information returned
#'                        from the API server mostly used for debugging
#'                        purposes in addition to the data requested.
#' @return a tibble or an AQS_Data Mart_APIv2 S3 object containing quality
#'           assurance PEP audit data within a site. A AQS_Data_Mart_APIv2
#'           object is a 2 item named list in which the first item (\$Header) is
#'           a tibble of header information from the AQS API and the second item
#'           (\$Data) is a tibble of the data returned.
#' @examples # returns a aqs_v2 S3 object of pep Audit data for FRM PM2.5
#'           #  at the Huntsville Old Airport site (\#0014) in Madison County,
#'           #  AL for 2017 - 2019.
#'  \dontrun{aqs_qa_pep_audit_by_site(parameter = "88101",
#'                                    bdate = as.Date("20170101",
#'                                                    format = "%Y%m%d"),
#'                                    edate = as.Date("20191231",
#'                                                      format = "%Y%m%d"),
#'                                    stateFIPS = "01",
#'                                    countycode = "089",
#'                                    sitenum = "0014"
#'                                        )
#'            }
#' @export
aqs_qa_pep_audit_by_site <- function(parameter, bdate, edate,
                                     stateFIPS, countycode, sitenum,
                                     cbdate = NA_Date_,
                                     cedate = NA_Date_,
                                     return_header = FALSE)
  checkaqsparams(parameter, bdate, edate, stateFIPS, countycode, sitenum,
                 cbdate, cedate, return_header)

    params <- aqsmultiyearparams(parameter = parameter,
                                 bdate = bdate,
                                 edate = edate,
                                 stateFIPS = stateFIPS,
                                 countycode = countycode,
                                 sitenum = sitenum,
                                 service = "qaPepAudits",
                                 cbdate = cbdate,
                                 cedate = cedate

  pepaudit <- purrr::pmap(.l = params, .f = aqs_services_by_site)
  if (!return_header) pepaudit %<>% aqs_removeheader

#' @title aqs_sampledata_by_site
#' @description \lifecycle{stable}
#'                 Returns multiple years of data where sample data is
#'                 aggregated at the site level. If return_header is
#'                 FALSE (default) returns a single data frame with
#'                 the requested data. If return_header is TRUE returns a list
#'                 of AQSAPI_v2 objects where each index of the list is an
#'                 individual RAQSAPI_v2 object returned from each successive
#'                 calls to the AQS API. RAQSAPI_v2 objects are two item list
#'                 where the $Data portion contains data that contains
#'                 sample air monitoring data at a site with the input
#'                 parameter, stateFIPS and county_code provided for
#'                 bdate - edate time frame. The $Header is a tibble of
#'                 header information from the API call /(useful for
#'                 debugging/).  Returns NULL is bdate > edate.
#' @note The AQS API only allows for a single year of sampledata to be retrieved
#'         at a time. This function conveniently extracts date information from
#'         the bdate and edate parameters then makes repeated calls to the
#'         AQSAPI retrieving a maximum of one calendar year of data at a time.
#'         Each calendar year of data requires a separate API call so multiple
#'         years of data will require multiple API calls. As the number of years
#'         of data being requested increases so does the length of time that it
#'         will take to retrieve results. There is also a 5 second wait
#'         time inserted between successive API calls to prevent overloading the
#'         API server. This operation has a linear run time of
#'         /(Big O notation: O/(n + 5 seconds/)/).
#' @family Aggregate _by_site functions
#' @inheritParams aqs_services_by_site
#' @param return_header If FALSE (default) returns a single data frame with the
#'                        data requested. If TRUE returns a AQSAPI_v2 object
#'                        which is a two item list that contains header
#'                        information returned from the API server mostly used
#'                        for debugging purposes in addition to the data
#'                        requested. This is mostly useful for debugging
#'                        purposes, in case the user wishes to see the header
#'                        information from each api call.
#' @importFrom magrittr `%>%` `%<>%`
#' @importFrom purrr pmap
#' @return a tibble or an AQS_Data_Mart_APIv2 S3 object containing sample data
#'           for a single site with the input parameter. An AQS_Data Mart_APIv2
#'           is a 2 item named list in which the first item /(/$Header/) is a
#'           tibble of header information from the AQS API and the second item
#'           /(/$Data/) is a tibble of the data returned.
#' @examples #Returns a AQS_Data Mart_APIv2 S3 object of ozone monitoring
#'           #  data for the Millbrook School site (/#0014) in
#'           #  Wake County, NC for June 18, 2017.
#'  \dontrun{
#'             aqs_sampledata_by_site(parameter = "44201",
#'                                    bdate = as.Date("20170618",
#'                                                    format = "%Y%m%d"),
#'                                    edate = as.Date("20190618",
#'                                                       format = "%Y%m%d"),
#'                                    stateFIPS = "37",
#'                                    countycode = "183",
#'                                    sitenum = "0014"
#'                                    )
#'          }
#' @export
aqs_sampledata_by_site <- function(parameter, bdate, edate, stateFIPS,
                                   countycode, sitenum,
                                   duration = NA_character_,
                                   cbdate = NA_Date_, cedate = NA_Date_,
                                   return_header = FALSE
  checkaqsparams(parameter, bdate, edate, stateFIPS, countycode, sitenum,
                 duration, cbdate, cedate, return_header)

  params <- aqsmultiyearparams(parameter = parameter,
                               bdate = bdate,
                               edate = edate,
                               stateFIPS = stateFIPS,
                               countycode = countycode,
                               sitenum = sitenum,
                               duration = duration,
                               service = "sampleData",
                               cbdate = cbdate,
                               cedate = cedate

  sampledata <- purrr::pmap(.l = params, .f = aqs_services_by_site)
  if (!return_header) sampledata %<>% aqs_removeheader

#' @title aqs_annualsummary_by_site
#' @description \lifecycle{stable}
#'                 Returns multiple years of data where annual data is
#'                 aggregated at the site level. Returned is an annual summary
#'                 matching the input parameter, stateFIPS, county_code, and
#'                 sitenum provided for bdate - edate time frame. The data
#'                 returned is summarized at the annual level. Variables
#'                 returned include mean value, maxima, percentiles, and etc. If
#'                 return_header is FALSE (default) the object returned is a
#'                 tibble, if TRUE an AQS_API_v2 object.
#' @note The AQS API only allows for a single year of annualsummary to be
#'         retrieved at a time. This function conveniently extracts date
#'         information from the bdate and edate parameters then makes repeated
#'         calls to the AQSAPI retrieving a maximum of one calendar year of data
#'         at a time. Each calendar year of data requires a separate API call so
#'         multiple years of data will require multiple API calls. As the number
#'         of years of data being requested increases so does the length of time
#'         that it will take to retrieve results. There is also a 5 second wait
#'         time inserted between successive API calls to prevent overloading the
#'         API server. This operation has a linear run time of
#'         /(Big O notation: O/(n + 5 seconds/)/).
#' @family Aggregate _by_site functions
#' @inheritParams aqs_services_by_site
#' @importFrom magrittr `%<>%`
#' @param return_header If FALSE (default) only returns data requested as a
#'                        single tibble. If TRUE returns a list of AQSAPI_v2
#'                        objects which is a two item list that contains header
#'                        information returned from the API server mostly used
#'                        for debugging purposes in addition to the data
#'                        requested.
#' @return a tibble or an AQS_Data Mart_APIv2 S3 object containing annual
#'           summary data for the sitenum, countycode and stateFIPS requested.
#'           A AQS_Data Mart_APIv2 is a 2 item named list in which the first
#'           item (\$Header) is a tibble of header information from the AQS API
#'           and the second item (\$Data) is a tibble of the data returned.
#' @examples # Returns a tibble of annual summary ozone
#'           #  data for the Millbrook School site (\#0014) in Wake County,
#'           #  NC for 2017 (Note, for annual data, only the
#'           #  year portion of the bdate and edate are used and only whole
#'           #  years of data are returned. For example, bdate = 2017-12-31 and
#'           #  edate = 2018-01-01 will return full data for 2017 and 2018 )
#'  \dontrun{
#'           aqs_annualsummary_by_site(parameter = "44201",
#'                                     bdate = as.Date("20170618",
#'                                                     format="%Y%m%d"),
#'                                     edate = as.Date("20190618",
#'                                                     format="%Y%m%d"),
#'                                     stateFIPS = "37",
#'                                     countycode = "183",
#'                                     sitenum = "0014"
#'                                    )
#'           }
#' @export
aqs_annualsummary_by_site <- function(parameter, bdate, edate, stateFIPS,
                                      countycode, sitenum, cbdate = NA_Date_,
                                      cedate = NA_Date_, return_header = FALSE)
  checkaqsparams(parameter, bdate, edate, stateFIPS, countycode, sitenum,
                 cbdate, cedate, return_header)

  params <- aqsmultiyearparams(parameter = parameter,
                               bdate = bdate,
                               edate = edate,
                               stateFIPS = stateFIPS,
                               countycode = countycode,
                               sitenum = sitenum,
                               service = "annualData",
                               cbdate = cbdate,
                               cedate = cedate

  annualdata <- purrr::pmap(.l = params, .f = aqs_services_by_site)
  if (!return_header) annualdata %<>% aqs_removeheader

#' @title aqs_qa_blanks_by_site
#' @description \lifecycle{stable}
#'        Returns a table of blank quality assurance data.
#'        Blanks are unexposed sample collection devices (e.g.,
#'        filters) that are transported with the exposed sample devices
#'        to assess if contamination is occurring during the transport
#'        or handling of the samples. Data is aggregated at the site level.
#' @note The AQS API only allows for a single year of qa_blank data to be
#'         retrieved at a time. This function conveniently extracts date
#'         information from the bdate and edate parameters then makes repeated
#'         calls to the AQSAPI retrieving a maximum of one calendar year of data
#'         at a time. Each calendar year of data requires a separate API call so
#'         multiple years of data will require multiple API calls. As the number
#'         of years of data being requested increases so does the length of time
#'         that it will take to retrieve results. There is also a 5 second wait
#'         time inserted between successive API calls to prevent overloading the
#'         API server. This operation has a linear run time of
#'         /(Big O notation: O/(n + 5 seconds/)/).
#' @family Aggregate _by_site functions
#' @inheritParams aqs_services_by_site
#' @importFrom magrittr `%<>%`
#' @param return_header If FALSE (default) only returns data requested.
#'                        If TRUE returns a AQSAPI_v2 object which is a two
#'                        item list that contains header information returned
#'                        from the API server mostly used for debugging
#'                        purposes in addition to the data requested.
#' @return a tibble or an AQS_Data_Mart_APIv2 S3 object that contains quality
#'           assurance blank sample data for single monitoring site for the
#'           sitenum, countycode and stateFIPS requested for the time frame
#'           between bdate and edate. An AQS_Data_Mart_APIv2 is a 2 item named
#'           list in which the first item ($Header) is a tibble of header
#'           information from the AQS API and the second item ($Data) is a
#'           tibble of the data returned.
#' @examples #Returns a tibble of PM2.5 blank
#'           #  data for the Muscle Shoals site (#0014) in Colbert County, AL
#'           #  for January 2018
#'           \dontrun{
#'                     aqs_qa_blanks_by_site(parameter = "88101",
#'                                           bdate = as.Date("20170101",
#'                                                           format="%Y%m%d"),
#'                                           edate = as.Date("20190131",
#'                                                           format="%Y%m%d"),
#'                                           stateFIPS = "01",
#'                                           countycode = "033",
#'                                           sitenum = "1002"
#'                                           )
#'                  }
#' @export
aqs_qa_blanks_by_site <- function(parameter, bdate, edate, stateFIPS,
                                  countycode, sitenum, cbdate = NA_Date_,
                                  cedate = NA_Date_, return_header = FALSE)
  checkaqsparams(parameter, bdate, edate, stateFIPS, countycode, sitenum,
                 cbdate, cedate, return_header)

  params <- aqsmultiyearparams(parameter = parameter,
                               bdate = bdate,
                               edate = edate,
                               stateFIPS = stateFIPS,
                               countycode = countycode,
                               sitenum = sitenum,
                               service = "qaBlanks",
                               cbdate = cbdate,
                               cedate = cedate

  blanks <- purrr::pmap(.l = params, .f = aqs_services_by_site)
  if (!return_header) blanks %<>% aqs_removeheader

#' @title aqs_dailysummary_by_site
#' @description \lifecycle{stable}
#'        Returns multiple years of data where daily data is
#'        aggregated at the site level. Returned is a daily summary
#'        matching the input parameter stateFIPS, countycode, and sitenum
#'        provided for bdate - edate time frame. Data is aggregated at the
#'        state level. Variables returned include mean value, maxima,
#'        percentiles, and etc.
#' @note The AQS API only allows for a single year of dailysummary to be
#'         retrieved at a time. This function conveniently extracts date
#'         information from the bdate and edate parameters then makes repeated
#'         calls to the AQSAPI retrieving a maximum of one calendar year of data
#'         at a time. Each calendar year of data requires a separate API call so
#'         multiple years of data will require multiple API calls. As the number
#'         of years of data being requested increases so does the length of time
#'         that it will take to retrieve results. There is also a 5 second wait
#'         time inserted between successive API calls to prevent overloading the
#'         API server. This operation has a linear run time of
#'         /(Big O notation: O/(n + 5 seconds/)/).
#' @family Aggregate _by_site functions
#' @inheritParams aqs_services_by_site
#' @importFrom magrittr `%<>%`
#' @param return_header If FALSE (default) only returns data requested.
#'                        If TRUE returns a AQSAPI_v2 object which is a two
#'                        item list that contains header information returned
#'                        from the API server mostly used for debugging
#'                        purposes in addition to the data requested.
#' @return a tibble or an AQS_Data Mart_APIv2 S3 object that contains daily
#'           summary statistics for the given parameter for a single site. An
#'           AQS_Data Mart_APIv2 is a 2 item named list in which the first item
#'           (\$Header) is a tibble of header information from the AQS API and
#'           the second item (\$Data) is a tibble of the data returned.
#' @examples #Returns a tibble of daily summary ozone
#'           #  data for the Millbrook School site (\#0014) in Wake County,
#'           #  NC for June 18, 2017.
#'  \dontrun{
#'              aqs_dailysummary_by_site(parameter = "44201",
#'                                       bdate = as.Date("20160618",
#'                                                       format = "%Y%m%d"),
#'                                       edate = as.Date("20190618",
#'                                                       format = "%Y%m%d"),
#'                                       stateFIPS = "37",
#'                                       countycode = "183",
#'                                      sitenum = "0014"
#'                                      )
#'          }
#' @export
aqs_dailysummary_by_site <- function(parameter, bdate, edate, stateFIPS,
                                     countycode, sitenum, cbdate = NA_Date_,
                                     cedate = NA_Date_, return_header = FALSE
  checkaqsparams(parameter, bdate, edate, stateFIPS, countycode, sitenum,
                 cbdate, cedate, return_header)

  params <- aqsmultiyearparams(parameter = parameter,
                               bdate = bdate,
                               edate = edate,
                               stateFIPS = stateFIPS,
                               countycode = countycode,
                               sitenum = sitenum,
                               service = "dailyData",
                               cbdate = cbdate,
                               cedate = cedate

  dailysummary <- purrr::pmap(.l = params, .f = aqs_services_by_site)
  if (!return_header) dailysummary %<>% aqs_removeheader

#' @title aqs_qa_collocated_assessments_by_site
#' @description \lifecycle{stable}
#'                Returns a table of collocated assessment data aggregated by
#'                 matching input parameter, stateFIPS, county_code, and
#'                 sitenum provided for bdate - edate time frame.
#' @note The AQS API only allows for a single year of collocated assessments to
#'         be retrieved at a time. This function conveniently extracts date
#'         information from the bdate and edate parameters then makes repeated
#'         calls to the AQSAPI retrieving a maximum of one calendar year of data
#'         at a time. Each calendar year of data requires a separate API call so
#'         multiple years of data will require multiple API calls. As the number
#'         of years of data being requested increases so does the length of time
#'         that it will take to retrieve results. There is also a 5 second wait
#'         time inserted between successive API calls to prevent overloading the
#'         API server. This operation has a linear run time of
#'         /(Big O notation: O/(n + 5 seconds/)/).
#' @family Aggregate _by_site functions
#' @inheritParams aqs_services_by_site
#' @importFrom magrittr `%<>%`
#' @param return_header If FALSE (default) only returns data requested.
#'                        If TRUE returns a AQSAPI_v2 object which is a two
#'                        item list that contains header information returned
#'                        from the API server mostly used for debugging
#'                        purposes in addition to the data requested.
#' @return a tibble or an AQS_Data Mart_APIv2 S3 object containing quality
#'           assurance collocated assessment data for monitors within a site.
#'           An AQS_Data Mart_APIv2 is a 2 item named list in which the first
#'           item ($Header) is a tibble of header information from the AQS API
#'           and the second item ($Data) is a tibble of the data returned.
#' @examples #returns a tibble of collocated assessment data
#'           #  for FRM PM2.5 at the Huntsville Old Airport site (\#0014)
#'           #  in Madison County, AL for January 2013:
#'  \dontrun{aqs_qa_collocated_assessments_by_site(parameter = "88101",
#'                                                 bdate = as.Date("20130101",
#'                                                             format = "%Y%m%d"
#'                                                                ),
#'                                                 edate = as.Date("20150131",
#'                                                             format = "%Y%m%d"
#'                                                                 ),
#'                                                 stateFIPS = "01",
#'                                                 countycode = "089",
#'                                                 sitenum = "0014"
#'                                                 )
#'          }
#' @export
aqs_qa_collocated_assessments_by_site <- function(parameter, bdate, edate,
                                                  stateFIPS, countycode,
                                                  cbdate = NA_Date_,
                                                  cedate = NA_Date_,
                                                  return_header = FALSE)
  checkaqsparams(parameter, bdate, edate, stateFIPS, countycode, sitenum,
                 cbdate, cedate, return_header)

  params <- aqsmultiyearparams(parameter = parameter,
                               bdate = bdate,
                               edate = edate,
                               stateFIPS = stateFIPS,
                               countycode = countycode,
                               sitenum = sitenum,
                               service = "qaCollocatedAssessments",
                               cbdate = cbdate,
                               cedate = cedate

  colocatedsummary <- purrr::pmap(.l = params, .f = aqs_services_by_site)
  if (!return_header) colocatedsummary %<>% aqs_removeheader

#' @title aqs_qa_flowrateverification_by_site
#' @description \lifecycle{stable}
#'                Returns a table containing flow rate Verification data for a
#'                parameter code aggregated matching input parameter, stateFIPS,
#'                county_code, and sitenum provided for
#'                bdate - edate time frame.
#' @note The AQS API only allows for a single year of flow rate verifications to
#'         be retrieved at a time. This function conveniently extracts date
#'         information from the bdate and edate parameters then makes repeated
#'         calls to the AQSAPI retrieving a maximum of one calendar year of data
#'         at a time. Each calendar year of data requires a separate API call so
#'         multiple years of data will require multiple API calls. As the number
#'         of years of data being requested increases so does the length of time
#'         that it will take to retrieve results. There is also a 5 second wait
#'         time inserted between successive API calls to prevent overloading the
#'         API server. This operation has a linear run time of
#'         /(Big O notation: O/(n + 5 seconds/)/).
#' @family Aggregate _by_site functions
#' @inheritParams aqs_services_by_site
#' @importFrom magrittr `%<>%`
#' @param return_header If FALSE (default) only returns data requested.
#'                        If TRUE returns a AQSAPI_v2 object which is a two
#'                        item list that contains header information returned
#'                        from the API server mostly used for debugging
#'                        purposes in addition to the data requested.
#' @return a tibble or an AQS_Data Mart_APIv2 S3 object containing quality
#'           assurance flow rate verification data for monitors at a site.
#'           An AQS_Data Mart_APIv2 is a 2 item named list in which the first
#'           item ($Header) is a tibble of header information from the AQS API
#'           and the second item ($Data) is a tibble of the data returned.
#' @examples # returns a tibble of flow rate verification
#'           #  data for the Muscle Shoals site (#0014) in Colbert County, AL
#'           #  for January 2018:
#'  \dontrun{aqs_qa_flowrateverification_by_site(parameter = "88101",
#'                                               bdate = as.Date("20170101",
#'                                                          format = "%Y%m%d"),
#'                                               edate = as.Date("20180131",
#'                                                          format = "%Y%m%d"),
#'                                              stateFIPS = "01",
#'                                              countycode = "033",
#'                                              sitenum = "1002"
#'                                                )
#'           }
#' @export
aqs_qa_flowrateverification_by_site <- function(parameter, bdate, edate,
                                                stateFIPS, countycode, sitenum,
                                                cbdate = NA_Date_,
                                                cedate = NA_Date_,
                                                return_header = FALSE
  checkaqsparams(parameter, bdate, edate, stateFIPS, countycode, sitenum,
                 cbdate, cedate, return_header)

  params <- aqsmultiyearparams(parameter = parameter,
                               bdate = bdate,
                               edate = edate,
                               stateFIPS = stateFIPS,
                               countycode = countycode,
                               sitenum = sitenum,
                               service = "qaFlowRateVerifications",
                               cbdate = cbdate,
                               cedate = cedate

  frv <- purrr::pmap(.l = params, .f = aqs_services_by_site)
  if (!return_header) frv %<>% aqs_removeheader

#' @title aqs_transactionsample_by_site
#' @description \lifecycle{stable}
#'        Returns transactionsample data aggregated by site
#'          in the AQS Submission Transaction Format (RD) sample (raw) data for
#'          a parameter code aggregated by matching input parameter, sitenum,
#'          countycode and stateFIPS provided for bdate - edate time frame.
#'          Includes data both in submitted and standard units
#' @note The AQS API only allows for a single year of transactiondata to be
#'         retrieved at a time. This function conveniently extracts date
#'         information from the bdate and edate parameters then makes repeated
#'         calls to the AQSAPI retrieving a maximum of one calendar year of
#'         data at a time. Each calendar year of data requires a separate API
#'         call so multiple years of data will require multiple API calls.
#'         As the number of years of data being requested increases so does the
#'         length of time that it will take to retrieve results. There is also a
#'         5 second wait time inserted between successive API calls to prevent
#'         overloading the API server. This operation has a linear run time of
#'         /(Big O notation: O/(n + 5 seconds/)/).
#' @family Aggregate _by_site functions
#' @inheritParams aqs_services_by_site
#' @param return_header If FALSE (default) only returns data requested.
#'                        If TRUE returns a AQSAPI_v2 object which is a two
#'                        item list that contains header information returned
#'                        from the API server mostly used for debugging
#'                        purposes in addition to the data requested.
#' @importFrom magrittr `%<>%`
#' @examples #Returns a AQS_Data Mart_APIv2 S3 object of the returns
#'          \dontrun{ #   returns all ozone transaction data for the
#'                    #   Millbrook School site (#0014) in Wake County, NC for
#'                    #   June 18, 2017
#'                    aqs_transactionsample_by_site(parameter = "44201",
#'                                                  bdate = as.Date("20170618",
#'                                                          format = "%Y%m%d"),
#'                                                  edate = as.Date("20170618",
#'                                                           format = "%Y%m%d"),
#'                                                  stateFIPS = "37",
#'                                                  countycode = "183",
#'                                                  sitenum = "0014"
#'                                                  )
#'                  }
#' @return a tibble or an AQS_Data Mart_APIv2 S3 object of transaction sample
#'           (raw) data in the AQS submission transaction format (RD)
#'           corresponding to the inputs provided.
#' @export
aqs_transactionsample_by_site <- function(parameter, bdate, edate,
                                          stateFIPS, countycode, sitenum,
                                          cbdate = NA_Date_,
                                          cedate = NA_Date_,
                                          return_header = FALSE)
  checkaqsparams(parameter, bdate, edate, stateFIPS, countycode, sitenum,

  params <- aqsmultiyearparams(parameter = parameter,
                               bdate = bdate,
                               edate = edate,
                               stateFIPS = stateFIPS,
                               countycode = countycode,
                               sitenum = sitenum,
                               cbdate = cbdate,
                               cedate = cedate,
                               service = "transactionsSample"

  transactionsample <- purrr::pmap(.l = params, .f = aqs_services_by_site)
  if (!return_header) transactionsample %<>% aqs_removeheader

#' @title aqs_qa_annualpeferomanceeval_by_site
#' @description \lifecycle{stable}
#'        Returns quality assurance performance evaluation data - aggregated by
#'          site for a parameter code aggregated by matching input
#'          parameter, sitenum, countycode and stateFIPS provided for
#'          bdate - edate time frame.
#' @note The AQS API only allows for a single year of quality assurance
#'         Annual Performance Evaluation data to be retrieved at a time. This
#'         function conveniently extracts date information from the bdate
#'         and edate parameters then makes repeated calls to the AQSAPI
#'         retrieving a maximum of one calendar year of data at a time. Each
#'         calendar year of data requires a separate API call so multiple years
#'         of data will require multiple API calls. As the number of years of
#'         data being requested increases so does the length of time that it
#'         will take to retrieve results. There is also a 5 second wait time
#'         inserted between successive API calls to prevent overloading the API
#'         server. This operation has a linear run time of
#'         /(Big O notation: O/(n + 5 seconds/)/).
#' @family Aggregate _by_site functions
#' @inheritParams aqs_services_by_site
#' @param return_header If FALSE (default) only returns data requested.
#'                        If TRUE returns a AQSAPI_v2 object which is a two
#'                        item list that contains header information returned
#'                        from the API server mostly used for debugging
#'                        purposes in addition to the data requested.
#' @importFrom magrittr `%<>%`
#' @examples #Returns an AQS_Data Mart_APIv2 S3 object or a tibble
#'           #   containing annual performance evaluation data for ozone at the
#'           #    Fairhope site in Baldwin County, AL for 2017
#'  \dontrun{  aqs_qa_annualpeferomanceeval_by_site(parameter = "44201",
#'                                                  bdate = as.Date("20170101",
#'                                                          format = "%Y%m%d"),
#'                                                  edate = as.Date("20171231",
#'                                                           format = "%Y%m%d"),
#'                                                  stateFIPS = "01",
#'                                                  countycode = "003",
#'                                                  sitenum = "0010"
#'                                                  )
#'                  }
#' @return a tibble or an AQS_Data Mart_APIv2 S3 object of quality assurance
#'           performance evaluation data. for single monitoring site for the
#'           sitenum, countycode and stateFIPS requested for the time frame
#'           between bdate and edate. An AQS_Data_Mart_APIv2 is a 2 item named
#'           list in which the first item ($Header) is a tibble of header
#'           information from the AQS API and the second item ($Data) is a
#'           tibble of the data returned.
#' @export
aqs_qa_annualpeferomanceeval_by_site <- function(parameter, bdate, edate,
                                                 stateFIPS, countycode, sitenum,
                                                 cbdate = NA_Date_,
                                                 cedate = NA_Date_,
                                                 return_header = FALSE)
  checkaqsparams(parameter, bdate, edate, stateFIPS, countycode, sitenum,

  params <- aqsmultiyearparams(parameter = parameter,
                               bdate = bdate,
                               edate = edate,
                               stateFIPS = stateFIPS,
                               countycode = countycode,
                               sitenum = sitenum,
                               cbdate = NA_Date_,
                               cedate = NA_Date_,
                               service = "qaAnnualPerformanceEvaluations"

  qaape <- purrr::pmap(.l = params, .f = aqs_services_by_site)
  if (!return_header) qaape %<>% aqs_removeheader

#' @title aqs_qa_annualperformanceevaltransaction_by_site
#' @description \lifecycle{stable}
#'        Returns AQS submissions transaction format (RD) of the annual
#'          performance evaluation data (raw). Includes data pairs for
#'          QA - aggregated by site for a parameter code aggregated by matching
#'          input parameter, sitenum, countycode and stateFIPS provided for
#'          bdate - edate time frame.
#' @note The AQS API only allows for a single year of quality assurance
#'         Annual Performance Evaluations data to be retrieved at a time. This
#'         function conveniently extracts date information from the bdate
#'         and edate parameters then makes repeated calls to the AQSAPI
#'         retrieving a maximum of one calendar year of data at a time. Each
#'         calendar year of data requires a separate API call so multiple years
#'         of data will require multiple API calls. As the number of years of
#'         data being requested increases so does the length of time that it
#'         will take to retrieve results. There is also a 5 second wait time
#'         inserted between successive API calls to prevent overloading the API
#'         server. This operation has a linear run time of
#'         /(Big O notation: O/(n + 5 seconds/)/).
#' @family Aggregate _by_site functions
#' @inheritParams aqs_services_by_site
#' @param return_header If FALSE (default) only returns data requested.
#'                        If TRUE returns a AQSAPI_v2 object which is a two
#'                        item list that contains header information returned
#'                        from the API server mostly used for debugging
#'                        purposes in addition to the data requested.
#' @importFrom magrittr `%<>%`
#' @examples #Returns an AQS_Data Mart_APIv2 S3 object or a tibble
#'           #   containing annual performance evaluation data (raw) for ozone
#'           # at the Fairhope site in Baldwin County, AL for 2017 in RD format.
#' \dontrun{aqs_qa_annualperformanceevaltransaction_by_site(parameter = "44201",
#'                                                   bdate = as.Date("20170101",
#'                                                           format = "%Y%m%d"),
#'                                                   edate = as.Date("20171231",
#'                                                           format = "%Y%m%d"),
#'                                                             stateFIPS = "01",
#'                                                           countycode = "003",
#'                                                              sitenum = "0010"
#'                                                                )
#'                  }
#' @return a tibble or an AQS_Data Mart_APIv2 S3 object of quality assurance
#'           annual performance evaluation data in the RD format for a single
#'           monitoring site for the sitenum, countycode and stateFIPS requested
#'           for the time frame between bdate and edate in the AQS. An
#'           AQS_Data_Mart_APIv2 is a 2 item named list in which the first item
#'           ($Header) is a tibble of header information from the AQS API and
#'           the second item ($Data) is a tibble of the data returned.
#' @export
aqs_qa_annualperformanceevaltransaction_by_site <- function(parameter, bdate,
                                                            edate, stateFIPS,
                                                            countycode, sitenum,
                                                            cbdate = NA_Date_,
                                                            cedate = NA_Date_,
                                                          return_header = FALSE)
  checkaqsparams(parameter, bdate, edate, stateFIPS, countycode, sitenum,
                 cbdate, cedate, return_header

  params <- aqsmultiyearparams(parameter = parameter,
                               bdate = bdate,
                               edate = edate,
                               stateFIPS = stateFIPS,
                               countycode = countycode,
                               sitenum = sitenum,
                               cbdate = NA_Date_,
                               cedate = NA_Date_,
                          service = "transactionsQaAnnualPerformanceEvaluations"

  tqaape <- purrr::pmap(.l = params, .f = aqs_services_by_site)
  if (!return_header) tqaape %<>% aqs_removeheader

#' @title aqs_quarterlysummary_by_site
#' @description \lifecycle{stable}
#'  Returns a tibble or an AQS_Data Mart_APIv2 S3 object of quarterly summary
#'    data aggregated by site with the provided parameternum, stateFIPS,
#'    county_code, and sitenum for bdate - edate time frame.
#' @note The AQS API only allows for a single year of quarterly summary to be
#'         retrieved at a time. This function conveniently extracts date
#'         information from the bdate and edate parameters then makes repeated
#'         calls to the AQSAPI retrieving a maximum of one calendar year of data
#'         at a time. Each calendar year of data requires a separate API call so
#'         multiple years of data will require multiple API calls. As the number
#'         of years of data being requested increases so does the length of time
#'         that it will take to retrieve results. There is also a 5 second wait
#'         time inserted between successive API calls to prevent overloading the
#'         API server. This operation has a linear run time of
#'         /(Big O notation: O/(n + 5 seconds/)/).
#' @family Aggregate _by_county functions
#' @inheritParams aqs_services_by_site
#' @importFrom magrittr `%<>%`
#' @param return_header If FALSE (default) only returns data requested.
#'                        If TRUE returns a AQSAPI_v2 object which is a two
#'                        item list that contains header information returned
#'                        from the API server mostly used for debugging
#'                        purposes in addition to the data requested.
#' @return a tibble or an AQS_Data Mart_APIv2 S3 object that contains quarterly
#'           summary statistics for the given parameter for a single countycode
#'           and stateFIPS combination. An AQS_Data Mart_APIv2 is a 2 item named
#'           list in which the first item (\$Header) is a tibble of header
#'           information from the AQS API and the second item (\$Data) is a
#'           tibble of the data returned.
#' @examples # returns an aqs S3 object containing quarterly summaries for
#'           #  FRM/FEM PM2.5 data for Millbrook School in Wake County, NC
#'           #  between January and February 2016
#'  \dontrun{aqs_quarterlysummary_by_site(parameter = "88101",
#'                                        bdate = as.Date("20160101",
#'                                                        format = "%Y%m%d"),
#'                                        edate = as.Date("20160331",
#'                                                        format = "%Y%m%d"),
#'                                        stateFIPS = "37",
#'                                        countycode = "183",
#'                                        sitenum = "0014"
#'                                        )
#'          }
#' @export
aqs_quarterlysummary_by_site <- function(parameter, bdate, edate, stateFIPS,
                                         countycode, sitenum, cbdate = NA_Date_,
                                         cedate = NA_Date_,
                                         return_header = FALSE)
  AQS_domain <- "aqs.epa.gov"
  checkaqsparams(parameter, bdate, edate, stateFIPS, countycode, sitenum,
                 cbdate, cedate, return_header)

  params <- aqsmultiyearparams(parameter = parameter,
                               bdate = bdate,
                               edate = edate,
                               stateFIPS = stateFIPS,
                               countycode = countycode,
                               sitenum = sitenum,
                               service = "quarterlyData",
                               cbdate = cbdate,
                               cedate = cedate,
                               AQS_domain = AQS_domain

  quarterlysummary <- purrr::pmap(.l = params, .f = aqs_services_by_site)
  if (!return_header) quarterlysummary %<>% aqs_removeheader

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Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

RAQSAPI documentation built on Jan. 29, 2022, 1:08 a.m.