
#' @title Data set used in Lee (2008)
#' @description Randomized experiments from non-random selection in U.S. House elections
#' @format A data frame with 6558 observations and two variables:
#' \describe{
#'     \item{demsharenext}{Democrat vote share election t+1}
#'     \item{difdemshare}{Running variable. Diff. democratic share}
#'     \item{demshareprev}{Democrat vote share t-1}
#'     \item{demwinprev}{Democrat win t-1}
#'     \item{demofficeexp}{Democrat political experience t}
#'     \item{othofficeexp}{Oppositions political experience t}
#'     \item{demelectexp}{Democrat electoral experience t}
#'     \item{othelectexp}{Oposition electoral experience t}
#' }
#' @source Mostly Harmless Econometrics Data Archive: \url{https://economics.mit.edu/people/faculty/josh-angrist/mhe-data-archive}
#' @references   Lee, D. (2008) Randomized experiments from non-random selection in U.S. House elections, \emph{Journal of Econometrics}, 142, 675-697
#' @name lee2008

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