Man pages for RArcInfo
Functions to import data from Arc/Info V7.x binary coverages

avctoe00Converts a ARC/INFO binary coverage into an ESRI E00 file
e00toavcConverts an ESRI E00 file into an Arc/Info V 7.x binary...
get.arcdataFunction for importing the contents of an ARC file into R
get.bnddataFunction for importing the contents of a BND file into R
get.cntdataFunction for importing the contents of a CNT file into R
get.labdataFuntion for importing the contents of a LAB file into R
get.namesofcoveragesFunction for getting the names of the coverages
get.nbFunction for calculating neighbouting polygons.
get.paldataFunction for importing the contents of a PAL file into R
get.tabledataFunction for importing the contents of a table file into R
get.tablefieldsFunction for reading names of the table fields in the...
get.tablenamesFunction for reading the names of the tables in the coverages
get.toldataFunction for importing the contents of a TOL file into R
get.txtdataFunction for importing the contents of an TXT file into R
plotarcPlots the data imported from an ARC file
plotpalPlots the data imported from an ARC file according to the...
plotpolyPlots polygons defined by the coverages.
read.coverageFunction for retrieving basic data from a given coverage
thinlinesFunction for deleting points in an arc definition object
RArcInfo documentation built on May 1, 2019, 10:26 p.m.