curlError: Raise a warning or error about a CURL problem

View source: R/curlError.R

curlErrorR Documentation

Raise a warning or error about a CURL problem


This function is called to raise an error or warning that arises from a curl operation when making a request. This is called from C code that encounters the error and this function is responsible for generating the error.


curlError(type, msg, asError = TRUE)



the type of the error or a status code identifying the type of the error. Typically this is an integer value that identifies the type of the Curl error. The value corresponds to one of the enumerated value of type CURLcode.


the error message, as a character vector of length 1


a logical value that indicates whether to raise an error or a warning


This calls warning or stop with the relevant condition object. The object is always of basic (S3) class GenericCurlError, error, condition or GenericCurlError, warning, condition. When the type value corresponds to a CURLCode value, the condition has the primary class given by that CURLCode's name, e.g. COULDNT_RESOLVE_HOST, TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS (with the CURLE prefix removed).


Duncan Temple Lang


libcurl documentation.

See Also



  # This illustrates generating and catching an error.
  # We intentionally give a mis-spelled URL.
 tryCatch(curlPerform(url = "ftp.wcc.nrcs.usda.govx"),
          COULDNT_RESOLVE_HOST = function(x) cat("resolve problem\n"),
          error = function(x) cat(class(x), "got it\n"))

RCurl documentation built on May 29, 2024, 11:15 a.m.

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