Man pages for RDFTensor
Different Tensor Factorization (Decomposition) Techniques for RDF Tensors (Three-Mode-Tensors)

CP_01transformation of the real-number-CP-decompositions to Binary
cp_alsCompute a CP decomposition using an alternating least-squares...
cp_aprCompute nonnegative CP with alternating Poisson...
cp_nmuCompute nonnegative CP with multiplicative updates(NMU)
CP_R01inverse of real-number-CP-decompositions to Binary
default_parcube_optionsparCube initialization parameters
getTensorgetting tensor from triples
getTensor3mgetting tensor from triples
getTnsrijktensor frontal slices to indices
inv_rescal_sf_prd_chnkgrpReconstruct predicate(s) via chunks and grouping
RDFTensor-packageDifferent Tensor Factorization (Decomposition) Techniques for...
recon_1prd_topn_parReconstruct predicate top scores on very large graphs
rescalRESCAL: Tensor Factorization.
rescal_01transformation of the real-number-RESCAL-decompositions to...
RescalReconstructBackreconstruct a tensor from RESCAL factorization result
rescal_SO_Valcalaculate scores Subj,Predicate,Obj
rescal_Trp_ValRESCAL scores of triples
scRescalScalable RESCAL Factorization
serial_parCubeSerial 3-mode ParCube algorithm for memory resident tensors
spt_mttkrpMatricized tensor times Khatri-Rao product for ktensor
tensor2matReduce tensor to matrix
Tensor_errorRESCAL Tensor error
tnsr2trpsparse tensor to triples
umls_tnsrRDF tensor of UMLS small graph
RDFTensor documentation built on Jan. 16, 2021, 5:19 p.m.