P_esem: The correct permutation matrix, P_i, for each replication

Description Usage Format


A list containing 200 correct P_i to re-order and/or re-sign as needed within the relevant parameter estimates provided by replication numbers 1 through 100 and 4701 through 4800 in Example 2 from Myers, Ahn, Lu, Celimli, and Zopluoglu (2016).




This dataset contains a list containing 200 correct 4*4 P_i to re-order and/or re-sign as needed within the relevant parameter estimates provided by replication numbers 1 through 100 and 4701 through 4800 in Example 2 from Myers, Ahn, Lu, Celimli, and Zopluoglu (2016).

REREFACT documentation built on May 1, 2019, 7:11 p.m.